America will always be ready to get involved in strategic arms control


The meeting of G-20 Foreign Ministers in Delhi was historic in many ways. Even though no joint statement was issued after the meeting, the importance of India was acknowledged by the world. On the sidelines of the meeting, a meeting of the foreign ministers of Russia and America was also held. The meeting assumes significance in itself because it was the first face-to-face meeting between the foreign ministers of the two countries since the outbreak of war in Ukraine in February last year.

It is being told that this meeting was held by Foreign Minister S.K. Could be from Jaishankar. Till now Russia and America were shying away from talking to each other, so if the meeting has taken place on the initiative of Jaishankar, then it is a big success of Indian diplomacy. At the same time, from the Chinese Foreign Minister to the Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar also discussed serious issues.

Brief meeting between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Delhi. The two leaders spoke for about 10 minutes on the sidelines of the G-20 foreign ministers’ meeting in Delhi, and Blinken told Lavrov that the US would continue to support Ukraine. The US Secretary of State said that he had a brief conversation with the Russian Foreign Minister and urged him to reverse his country’s decision on the New Start treaty and abide by it. “I told the Russian foreign minister that regardless of what is happening in the world and in our relationship, the United States will always be ready to engage and act on strategic arms control, just as the United States and the Soviet Union did during the Cold War,” he said. did at the height of

Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his decision to suspend the New Start nuclear arms treaty with the US. This treaty sets limits on nuclear arsenals for both countries. On the other hand, Russian spokesperson Maria Zakharova said about this meeting, US Secretary of State Blinken asked to meet Foreign Minister Lavrov during the second session of the G-20 meeting. He said the two leaders met, but no meeting or talks took place.
Explain that Jaishankar said in a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang that the relations between India and China are “unusual”. In the meeting, the two leaders discussed the challenges to bilateral relations, especially the challenges related to peace and stability in the border area.

Please tell that this is the first meeting of Jaishankar and Qin apart from the meeting of foreign ministers of G-20 member countries. Jaishankar said, “This is our first meeting after he became the foreign minister. We discussed with each other for about 45 minutes and the discussion was largely about the current state of our relationship, which most of you must have heard is unusual. “And this (unusual) was also among the adjectives I used in the meeting. He said that there are some real problems in the relationship that need to be addressed, talked about openly and from the heart.

The External Affairs Minister said that bilateral relations in general were discussed in the meeting. Jaishankar tweeted about the meeting, met Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on the sidelines of the G-20 Foreign Ministers’ meeting. Our talks focused on current challenges to bilateral relations, especially peace in the border areas.


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