Akshay Kumar’s Citizenship Story: A Tale of Resilience and Identity


Mumbai  : Akshay Kumar’s citizenship transformation unfolds in this heartfelt account. Explore his decision to embrace India once more, breaking boundaries of nationality .

Celebrating India’s 77th Independence Day, the nation has witnessed a remarkable event that has ignited joyous celebrations among Bollywood enthusiasts. The renowned actor Akshay Kumar, a true gem of the Indian film industry, has recently shared a post that unveils a heartwarming and significant development in his life – the reinstatement of his Indian citizenship. Alongside the release of his latest movie “Oh My God 2,” this news marks a monumental moment in the actor’s journey.

Reclaiming Identity: Akshay Kumar’s Citizenship Renewal

Akshay Kumar’s latest revelation regarding his Indian citizenship resonates deeply with both his personal journey and his relationship with the country that has shaped his career and fame. In a heartwarming Instagram post, the actor unveiled a picture of official documents from the Ministry of Home Affairs, showcasing his successful application for Indian citizenship. Accompanied by a poignant caption, “Heart and citizenship are both Hindustani,” Kumar’s post radiates a sense of pride and belonging.

A Historic Decision Revisited

Akshay Kumar’s journey of nationality began over three decades ago when, in 1990, he chose to relinquish his Indian citizenship in favor of becoming a Canadian citizen. The decision, driven by a desire to explore career opportunities abroad when his Indian films were not achieving significant success, represented a pivotal juncture in his life. However, Kumar’s fortunes underwent a dramatic transformation as his career flourished, culminating in a renewed connection with his Indian audience.

The Turning Point: Embracing India

The artist’s shift back towards his Indian roots gained momentum when his cinematic endeavors began receiving accolades and love from audiences across the country. With his films triumphantly resonating in the hearts of millions, Kumar’s perception of his identity transformed. Reflecting on his decision to embrace Indian citizenship once again, Kumar shared insights into his thought process. “When my films were not doing well, I thought that I would go and work elsewhere. I had a friend there; he was saying come here. I thought my luck was not working here so I went there,” he revealed during a candid interview.

The Journey of Reacquisition

Kumar’s journey of reacquiring Indian citizenship commenced in 2019 when he formally applied for the reinstatement. As fate would have it, his cinematic ventures soared in popularity within the Indian subcontinent, and Kumar found himself at a crossroads of identity. The actor’s decision to commit to his Indian roots once again was a testament to the profound connection he shares with the country that propelled him to stardom.

A Triumph Over Trolls and Criticism

Throughout his career, Akshay Kumar has faced both acclaim and criticism, with his citizenship status often under scrutiny. Social media platforms have witnessed the emergence of monikers like “Canada Kumar,” a term used by some to mock his Canadian citizenship. Nevertheless, Kumar’s steadfast dedication to India and his unyielding commitment to reconnecting with his Indian audience is evident in his actions and words.

Akshay Kumar’s Message: Beyond Borders

The journey of Akshay Kumar is not just a narrative of an actor’s personal decisions; it symbolizes the resilience of human identity and the complexity of life choices. Kumar’s rekindled association with India exemplifies the notion that one’s heart is not confined by geographical borders. His story serves as an inspiration for individuals who navigate the intricate paths of identity, belonging, and aspirations.


Akshay Kumar’s journey from relinquishing Indian citizenship to reclaiming it is a tale of passion, dedication, and the undying bond between an artist and his country. The actor’s decision to embrace his Indian identity with open arms resonates far beyond the confines of the entertainment industry. It stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of individuals who refuse to be confined by societal norms and who choose to forge their own path, regardless of the obstacles that may arise.


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