Afsaane Sartaaj De’ tops worldwide music charts


Satinder Sartaaj with Gulzar Sahib in MumbaiKulbir Kalsi,
Renowned Sufi singer Satinder Sartaaj’s new offering ‘Afsaane Sartaaj De’ has been creating waves the world over, as the album has been getting top rankings on the iTunes music library run by Apple. The album remained on the top in Canada, Australia and UK on the very first day of its launch on 27th February. It has been reported that the album ‘Aflsaane Sartaaj De’ has been widely listened and downloaded in these countries. The album is getting good response from Sartaaj’s fan the world over. Meanwhile, Sartaaj called on renowned lyricist Guljar in Mumbai to handed over him this album and get his blessings. Dr Sartaaj said, “Listeners have once again given him tremendous love. Demand for the CD is rising from the big cities.” The album ‘Afsaane Sartaaj De’ has been produced by Firdaus Production, while the internet promotion and sales rights have been given to iTunes and Youtube. The three companies strategically worked to stop the CD’s piracy. It is being ensured that no website uploads the music album without prior permission or rights. The faulty websites are being sent warning notices and the album and songs are being removed. This is perhaps the first music album in Punjabi which has succeeded in fully controlling piracy.


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