Satya Pal Jain appeals to BJP workers to ensure victory of Kirron Kher from Chandigarh

Satya Pal Jain addressing meeting of prominent citizens in favour of Kirron Anupam Kher at residence of Sh J S Kang in Sector 40 today eveningINVC,

Satya Pal Jain, Ex-City MP and National Chairman of the BJP’s Committee on Legal Affairs & Election Commission Issues, today appealed to all BJP workers to whole heartedly and unitedly devote themselves in campaigning for the BJP candidate from Chandigarh Smt. Kirron Anupam Kher and go to each & every voter of Chandigarh & urge them to cast their vote in favour of the BJP only, so that Sh. Narendra Modi can become the Prime Minister of our country. 

        Mr. Jain was addressing hundreds of party workers gathered at his residence today afternoon.  Mr. Jain also addressed a meeting of the prominent BJP – Akali Dal workers at the Sector 40 residence of Akali Dal leader Sh. Jasjit Singh Kang in the evening.

        Mr. Jain said that the people of the country want to see Sh. Narendra Modi as their Prime Minister and this can be possible only if every worker of the party devotes himself whole heartedly towards ensuring the victory of the party nominee in each & every constituency. He said that today the question is not that who is the candidate or who should or should not have got the ticket but today the question is that who is carrying the ‘Lotus’ election symbol in his hand.  Because the party high command has handed the ‘Lotus’ to Smt. Kirron Anupam Kher in Chandigarh, therefore it is the duty of all workers to ensure her victory. 

        Mr. Jain said that as very less time is left for polling, therefore, party workers should fully devote themselves in election campaigning to defeat and throw out the Congress party from Chandigarh as well as the country and install a BJP-led-NDA government under the Prime Ministership of Sh. Narendra Modi in the country, which is the need of the hour.


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