Over 100 students get study visas for Canada


Over hundred students of Continental Institute of International Studies (CIIS), the flagship institute of Continental Group of Institutes (CGI) and a World Wide Immigration Consultancy Services (WWICS) group venture, were felicitated at the specially held investiture ceremony today.The students were given their study visas as a part of their international study program. Chief Guest at the occasion Lt-Gen BKN Chhibber (retd) handed over the papers to students who would now pursue their studies in Canada. On this occasion he congratulated all the students who have received their visa papers and are set to immigrate to their destined shores. He appreciated the efforts of CGI in guiding these students and in making their dream of studying abroad come true. Speaking at the occasion, the CMD WWICS Lt. Col. BS Sandhu (retd) said that these students will be studying abroad mechanical engineering technology- automotive manufacturing (META) and automotive business program at Georgian College in Toronto and Bachelor of Computing Science Degree at Thompson Rivers University in British Columbia. He added that the institute has inked partnerships with many universities and colleges of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and UK which makes it easier for the students studying here to adapt to their education system because the courses are integrated. So, these students would have an edge over those who have directly landed in the foreign land. Executive Director, CGI Maj. Gen. BPS Grewal added that this year over 100 students have received their papers and are now ready to take off to Canada. The investiture ceremony was attended by Former Chief Secretary of Punjab IAS AS Chatha, former VC Punjab University Prof. KN Pathak, Former Director General of Jannayak Chaudhary Devilal Vidyapeeth, Sirsa Prof. Kuldeep S. Dhindsa, Lt. Gen. KS Mann, Lt. Gen. HRS Mann, Lt. Gen. Chetinder Singh and many industrialists. The ceremony was followed by some briefs on the existing programs of international studies that offer the students a chance to study in the country of your choice. While the first year of program includes studying at Indian campus, the remaining course is completed in respective country.


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