Now all rural and urban consumers in the area of DHBVN : DHBVN



Taking yet another major step towards consumer satisfaction, the Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) has directed its all Deputy General Managers,Operations to visit at least one operation sub-division  in a week under their jurisdiction and hold open Darbar to resolve all billing disputes of the consumers on the spot after due deliberation by a committee of Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manager  and Divisional Accountant/ or Auditor. In case the matter is beyond the powers of the DGM, it would immediately be sent to competent authority.  While stating this today, a spokesman of DHBVN said that these open Darbars would be in addition to the “Bijli Baithaks” being organized by senior officers of the Nigam. All Junior Engineers (JE) have also been directed to visit at least once a month   each village under their jurisdiction and the JEs posted in towns have also been given a schedule to keep   contact with the consumers. He said that now all rural and urban consumers in the area of DHBVN, comprising  districts of Sirsa, Fatehabad, Hisar, Bhiwani, Mahendragarh, Rewari, Gurgaon, Mewat, Palwal and Faridabad could get their all kind of complaints pertaining to DHBVN registered at one point through one toll free telephone number18001801615 round-the-clock. A short number 155333 has also been provided to facilitate the consumers. He said that while attending complaints relating to power supply failure, a polite and considerate attendant would tell in a courteous way the reason of power cut or failure; whether it is due to load shedding or break down and at what time it is likely to be restored. In case the supply has failed due to local fault, complaint would be registered and fed in computer. The complaint staff at concerned complaint centre or in the field will be asked to attend the complaint. After restoration of his supply promptly, it will be confirmed telephonically from the complainant if he is satisfied. If the complaint is of any other nature that is  relating to billing, connection, replacement of meter, expansion of system  the complaint would be transferred to the Consumer Grievance Redressal System (CGRS) of DHBVN by the call centre. Under this system of grievance redressal, the employees are bound to redress the grievances within stipulated time. After the specified time, the grievance would automatically escalate to the senior officer. Each grievance will have set number of days in which the grievance needed to be redressed failing which the grievance will escalate to the immediate senior of the officer. The next officer will also get the predefined number of days for redressal of the grievance failing which the grievance would up the hierarchy. Eventually, in the end, the grievance would reach the inbox of the officer highest in the hierarchy.  There are sections for grievance registration, grievance tracking and log in for officers. In case any consumer does not have the computer and internet facility, he can use this facility in any office of the Operations Wing of DHBVN. The computer operator in the office will help the consumer in registering his complaint in the system.


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