Unprecedented development had taken place in the State during the last seven years of present State Government : Bhupinder Singh Hooda



In a major setback to several opposition parties in Haryana, as many as 12 Municipal Councilors (MCs) of Municipal Council Bhiwani representing different political parties joined Congress Party here today in the presence of Haryana Chief Minister Mr. Bhupinder Singh Hooda and President, Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee (HPCC) Mr. Phool Chand Mullana.
        Out of these 12 Municipal Councilors eight of them were of INLD, two of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and one each of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Haryana Janhit Congress (HJC). The Municipal Councilors accompanied by General Secretary, HPCC Mr. Sandeep Singh called on the Haryana Chief Minister at his Chandigarh residence and expressed their willingness to join Congress.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that with their joining, the base of Congress Party would further be strengthened and full honour and respect would be extended to them. Congress was the only party representing all sections of the society. Mr. Hooda urged them to work dedicatedly for the development of district Bhiwani and  assured them full support and cooperation by the State Government.
Welcoming the Councilors into Congress, President HPCC Mr. Phool Chand Mullana said that they had shown faith in the progressive policies of the State Government and in the leadership of Haryana Chief Minister Mr. Bhupinder Singh Hooda. He said that unprecedented development had taken place in the State during the last seven years of present State Government and the same would continue in future also.
Working Chairman of Municipal Council, Bhiwani Mr. Maman Chand who joined Congress today, said that under the dynamic leadership of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupinder Singh Hooda, the State had witnessed exceptional development in all the fields. District Bhiwani had also seen large scale development which was devoid of in the tenure of previous governments. Hence, keeping in view the progressive and welfare policies introduced by Mr. Hooda, they decided to join Congress and to work under his able leadership and guidance, he added.
The eight Municipal Councilors of INLD who joined Congress today included Mr Maman Chand, working Chairman of Municipal Council Bhiwani, Mr Govind Ram Sharma, Mr Narender Singh, Mr Lalit Saini, Mrs Saroj Bala, Mrs Kamlesh, Mrs Meenu and Mr Sudarshan Jindal. Similarly, those of BSP are Mr. Shiv Kumar and Mr. Hari Ram and of BJP and HJC Mrs Santosh and Mrs Nirmala respectively.
On this occasion a large number of INLD workers of district Bhiwani also joined Congress. Political Advisor to Chief Minister Prof. Virender Singh, Principal OSD Mr. M.S Chopra, former MP Mr. Jai Parkash, OSD Mr. B.R. Beri and Additional Media Advisor to Chief Minister Mr. Sunil Parti  were also present on the occasion.


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