Taliban’s Decree: Stoning to Death for Women Involved in Sexual Crimes


Kabul :  Women in Afghanistan would be publicly whipped for adultery. Not only this, the woman will be killed by stoning. According to the report, he has also vowed to continue the fight against Western democracy and has issued a decree to this effect. There has been a fear for a long time that the Taliban might take Afghanistan back to the dark ages. But now this fear seems to be proving true. Actually, Taliban supremo Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada has issued a new message on government television.

Apart from this, in the invitation sent to the journalists, it is said that ‘Due to the lack of suitable space for the sisters, we apologize to the women journalists.’ Akhundzada said that the women’s rights received from the international community are in accordance with the Taliban’s Islamic Sharia law. are contradictory. He said, do women want the kind of rights that Westerners are talking about? They are against Sharia and the opinions of the clerics, while the clerics overthrew Western democracy.

According to the Taliban chief, we told the Mujahideen that we tell the Westerners that we fought against you for 20 years. We will fight against you for 20 or more years. This is not going to end. We will bring Sharia to this earth. It is noteworthy that the new academic session started in Afghan schools on Wednesday without girls.

In fact, the Taliban has banned girls’ education from sixth grade onwards. Afghanistan is the only country in the world to ban women’s education. According to the UN children’s agency, more than 1 million girls have been affected by the ban. The agency also estimates that 5 million girls had already left school before the Taliban took over due to lack of facilities and other reasons. The Taliban’s education ministry kicked off the new academic year with a ceremony that female journalists were not allowed to attend.


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