Why Joe Biden is Firm: “Donald Trump Cannot Be Allowed to Win the Election”


Washington :  Presidential elections are to be held in America this year. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are seen giving tough competition to each other for this post. The round of attacks and counter-attacks continues between the two leaders. Now Biden has claimed that leaders from all over the world have supported him in many meetings including the G20 held in India. He also told him that he cannot let Donald Trump win in the upcoming elections.

His remarks came at a time when President Biden said in a public event during his election campaign in New York that world leaders always say that their democracy is at stake. He said, be it the G20 meeting in India or a meeting held in any other country, whenever leaders from all over the world gather, they say that you will not let him (Trump) win.

He said, you might be thinking that I am exaggerating, but it is not so. Without naming names, I can tell journalists that leaders of almost all countries have told me this. Leaders from all over the world shake hands with me and say that the democracy of the country is at stake. He further said, I would say that this is not an exaggeration. Think about it. This is a person who

President Biden also highlighted Trump’s own statement that he would encourage Russia to do whatever it wants with countries that do not spend two percent of their GDP on defense Are. Biden said, just look at what they have done. The rest of the world is wondering what is happening to America. Although he is relieved, not because I am very special, but because I am not Trump. I am serious. I wish this happened only because they felt that Biden is such a serious person. He further said, I think they respect me. I think they listen to me. But the point is that it is because they are scared to death of their countries if he (Trump) wins again.


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