Do you also ring the bell while returning from the temple? Be careful, don’t do this


There are many beliefs regarding worship in Hindu customs, which we all follow even today. One of these rules is to ring the bell in the temple. There is a bell in every Hindu temple and whenever we go to the temple and return from there, we definitely ring the bell, but do you know that the bell should never be ringed while returning from the temple. Many people do not know why the bell should not be rung while returning.

Why should the bell be rung while entering the temple?

In Sanatan Dharma, importance has been given to worship since ancient times. According to religious beliefs, when we ring the bell while entering the temple, it is believed that the entire negative energy of our body gets destroyed by the sound of the bell and at the same time the doors of happiness and prosperity of the people also open. It is also said that the sound of the bell is very dear to God. By ringing the bell, devotees seek permission from the God to enter the temple and focus the attention of the Gods and Goddesses towards themselves and then worship them. By the sound of the bell, all the bacteria and viruses in the body and the surrounding environment are destroyed, due to which the temple and its surrounding environment also gets purified.

Why should one not ring the bell while returning?

It is told in the Puranas that when we go to the temple, all kinds of thoughts are running in our mind, along with negative thoughts also keep coming. Which after entering the temple get destroyed as soon as the bell is rung. The divine sound of conch, bell and bell removes all negative energy and thoughts from the body. Then when we have darshan of the Gods and Goddesses in the temple, positive energy and thoughts start flowing in our mind. After this, we return after doing devotional songs with love, and then ring the bell, then all the positive energy gets confused by the sound of the bell and gets destroyed. Therefore, to preserve positive energy, the bell should not be rung while returning from the temple.

What is the importance of bell in the temple?

According to religious beliefs, regarding the bell installed in the temple, it is believed that the sound that resonated when the creation began was the sound of a bell. Apart from this, it is also said that by ringing the bell, the pronunciation of Omkar Mantra is completed. According to religious beliefs, ringing the bell awakens consciousness in the idols and increases the effect of worship.


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