Warning of heavy rains along with thunderstorm in many parts of the country on 26-27 February


New Delhi : The Meteorological Department has issued an alert of major changes in the weather across the country. There is a warning of heavy rains along with thunderstorms in many parts of the country on 26-27 February. Along with this, there has also been a warning about snowfall. The mercury is continuously sometimes up and sometimes down. While this is affecting health, on the other hand daily life and farming work is also being affected. At present, crops of pulses and oilseeds are grown in the fields along with wheat. If there is rain then these crops can suffer huge losses. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has released the latest forecast. According to this, the coming few days may be turbulent in terms of weather. Snowfall has been predicted in the high mountain areas. There is a possibility of rain with thunderstorm in the plains of North India.

IMD has given predictions regarding the weather patterns in the coming days through a post on Twitter. According to meteorologists, the weather conditions may be different in different parts of the country on 26th and 27th February. There is a possibility of rain with thunderstorm in the plains from North India to East India. According to the latest weather forecast, many areas of Central India may receive good rain on Monday and Tuesday. Along with this, there is also a possibility of storm. There are chances of hailstorm at some places. There may be thunderstorms in some areas.

Let us tell you that after the recent rains in Bihar, the sky has not cleared yet. There have been reports of rain in many parts of Bihar on Saturday also. At this time the sky is cloudy. However, rain-like conditions continued in some parts till night. Due to this pattern of weather, a drop in temperature has been recorded. There was overcast condition in many parts of UP also. It is being told that it has also rained in some districts. Stronger than normal cold winds in Delhi have once again pushed the mercury down. There may be light rain in Delhi also in the coming time.


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