America’s Dual Role: Claiming to Halt War While Arming Israel


Washington : The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, which began on October 8, 2023, shows no signs of abating. Amidst this turmoil, the United States has consistently backed the Netanyahu government, even as preparations to supply bombs and arms to Israel are underway.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

The conflict has led to dire conditions in Gaza, with reports of famine emerging. According to the Human Rights Monitor, an 8-year-old girl named Hanin Jumma died from starvation. Her father, Saleh, recounted the tragic night when she passed away, revealing their struggle with hunger. Lack of transportation prevented Hanin from reaching the hospital in time, where doctors confirmed her death due to starvation and dehydration.

American Support for Israel

Despite President Biden’s claims to seek peace and halt the conflict, the United States is poised to provide Israel with approximately 500-pound MK-82 bombs and CMU-572 explosives. These weapons, especially the CMU-572, known for its precision targeting capabilities, raise concerns about potential violations of human rights during Israeli airstrikes.

Efforts to Ceasefire vs. Arms Deals

President Biden’s rhetoric of peace contrasts starkly with the deal to supply arms to Israel. The administration’s dismissal of concerns over potential human rights abuses underscores its prioritization of Israel’s military interests over humanitarian considerations.

Civilian Casualties and International Pressure

The toll of Israeli attacks is staggering, with over 28,000 casualties, predominantly women and children. Despite mounting international pressure, including two failed attempts by Congress to halt arms sales, the U.S. remains committed to supporting Israel militarily.

Prospects for Peace

As the U.S. prepares to arm Israel, Gaza braces for an extended period of conflict. Israel’s demand for expedited weapon delivery underscores its intent to escalate the violence. Meanwhile, President Biden’s call for a ceasefire remains unheeded by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Diplomatic Opportunities Amidst Crisis

Amidst the conflict, Arab nations are urging immediate ceasefire negotiations between Israel and the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sees this moment as an opportunity for Israel and Arab nations to mend their relations.

In summary, America’s duplicity in claiming to seek peace while arming Israel perpetuates the cycle of violence in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The imminent arms deal further exacerbates the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, casting doubt on the sincerity of U.S. efforts to broker peace.


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