Closure of 50 Hindu Temples Sparks Outcry in Britain

Rishi Sunak ,PM Narendra Modi
Rishi Sunak ,PM Narendra Modi

London :  The closure of 50 out of approximately 500 temples has stirred unrest among Hindus residing in the country, giving rise to resentment towards Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. The primary cause behind this closure lies in the Sunak government’s reluctance to issue visas to Indian priests, causing a ripple effect on various temple activities.

The Silent Temples: A Gripping Tale of Closure

These revered places of worship, which once echoed with the hymns of devotees, now stand silent and shuttered. Construction works in numerous temples have come to an abrupt halt, leaving the community in a state of disarray. The crux of the matter lies in the government’s hesitancy to facilitate the entry of Indian priests into the UK, creating a bottleneck that adversely affects the religious practices of the Hindu community.

The Human Touch: Indian Priests and Their Integral Role

Indian priests play a pivotal role in the spiritual fabric of the Hindu community in Britain. Beyond their duties within the temples, these priests are instrumental in conducting essential ceremonies like housewarmings and marriages for the Indian diaspora. The closure of temples, coupled with the absence of these revered figures, has left a void in the spiritual tapestry of the community.

Sunil Sharma, an assistant priest at the Lakshminarayan Temple in Birmingham, expressed disappointment, stating that the Sunak government was expected to expedite the visa issuance process. As a member of the Hindu community, Rishi Sunak’s understanding of their concerns was anticipated, yet the government’s response has fallen short, leaving many unanswered questions.

A Plea for Action: Voices Raised, Letters Penned

The United Temple Group has taken a stand on this pressing issue, addressing their concerns with Foreign Minister James Cleverley. In addition, Senior Labor Party MP Gareth Thomas has penned a letter to the Home Minister, urging the acceleration of the Tier 5 visa process. In Britain, Tier-5 religious visas are crucial for priests, serving as temporary permits allowing them to fulfill their religious duties.

Navigating the Visa Maze: Challenges Faced by Temples

The intricate process of obtaining Tier-5 religious visas adds to the complexity of the situation. Temples initiate the visa application process six months before the current visa period concludes, yet in most cases, the necessary clearance is not obtained. This bureaucratic bottleneck has left temples grappling with uncertainty and has spurred a demand from the Indian community for an extension of the Tier-5 religious visa from two to three years.

The Way Forward: A Call for Visa Reforms

As the plight of Hindu temples in Britain continues, the pressing need for visa reforms becomes evident. The community’s call for an extension of the Tier-5 religious visa duration to three years is not merely a request; it’s a plea for the preservation of cultural and religious practices that are integral to the identity of the Indian diaspora.

In conclusion, the closure of 50 Hindu temples in Britain stands as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by the Indian community in preserving their cultural and religious heritage. The ball is now in the court of the Sunak government to heed the voices raised, rectify the visa issuance process, and ensure the uninterrupted continuation of practices that form the soul of this vibrant community.


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