CM Vishnu Dev Sai Charts India’s Course to Global Economic Triumph by 2047


Raipur : In the heart of Raipur, the capital city, a gathering at a prestigious private hotel hosted by the ICAI unfolded a celebration of excellence in financial reporting. Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai graced the occasion, recognizing the outstanding performance of financial, non-financial, industrial, and service sector organizations, along with the accolade for Chartered Accountants.

A Vision Beyond Excellence

CM Sai, extending his congratulations to the award-winning institutions, articulated a grand vision. He envisioned India becoming the world’s third-largest economy by 2047, aligning with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment. He emphasized the pivotal role of financial, non-financial, industrial, and service providers in achieving this ambitious goal.

India presently stands as the world’s fifth-largest economy, and with collective efforts, Sai is confident that the nation will attain its financial targets within the set timeframe. He underscored the crucial role played by Chartered Accountants in financial management, stressing that robust financial governance propels organizations toward rapid development.

The GST Game-Changer

Post the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), the role of Chartered Accountants has gained prominence. Their expertise has significantly benefited companies, making financial management more accessible. CM Sai acknowledged the positive impact of GST, stating that it has streamlined financial processes and enhanced the efficiency of financial management in organizations.

Financial Management: The Cornerstone of Economic Strength

Sai reiterated the vital role of Chartered Accountants in financial management. A superior financial management system, he argued, propels an organization forward with unparalleled momentum. Viewing it holistically, effective financial management not only catalyzes organizational development but also fortifies the nation’s economic foundation.

Acknowledging Excellence: An Inspiring Initiative

The ceremony’s distribution of accolades served as a platform for healthy competition, fostering an atmosphere where individuals are motivated to enhance their work continually. Sai expressed appreciation for the ICAI’s efforts and commended Chhattisgarh for hosting such a significant event.

 A Path to Economic Fortitude

In conclusion, the event highlighted the essence of healthy competition and the drive to continually improve. CM Sai’s vision for India’s economic ascendancy by 2047 relies on the active participation of financial, non-financial, industrial, and service providers. Chartered Accountants, he emphasized, play a pivotal role in steering organizations toward success. As we stand on the precipice of economic transformation, let us collectively strive for excellence, contributing to India’s journey to become the world’s third-largest economy.


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