Frosty Embrace: Ladakh and Shrinagar Record Coldest Night Yet


Jammu and Kashmir : Embark on a frosty journey through the bone-chilling night in Jammu and Kashmir. Explore the subzero tales of Shrinagar, Ladakh’s frosty embrace, and Jammu’s unexpected shiver. Dive into the beauty of Chillai Kalan and the hopes it brings for a snowy transformation.

Jammu’s Coldest Night Brings a Chill to the Soul

In the heart of Jammu, beneath the star-studded canvas of the night sky, a bone-chilling spectacle unfolded, marking the iciest night of the season. From Shrinagar to Jammu, both cities bore witness to the frigid embrace of winter during the weekend, as temperatures plummeted to the lowest recorded this season.

Shrinagar’s Subzero Symphony

In the picturesque city of Shrinagar, nestled amidst the pristine valleys of Kashmir, the mercury took a nosedive, creating an ethereal winter wonderland. The minimum temperature in Shrinagar dipped to a staggering minus 5.6 degrees Celsius, enveloping the city in a crisp, frozen serenity. The renowned Gulmarg and Pahalgam experienced similar bone-chilling temperatures, recording minus 4.4 and minus 6.5 degrees Celsius, respectively.

Ladakh’s Frosty Embrace

Venturing into the enchanting Ladakh region, the story of the night unfolded with even more mesmerizing details. Leh, the jewel of Ladakh, witnessed a chilling low of minus 15.3 degrees Celsius, while the mountainous expanse of Kargil shivered at minus 14.3 degrees Celsius. Nature, in its rawest form, painted a breathtaking tableau of frost and silence.

Jammu’s Shiver Down the Spine

As we descend from the icy heights of Ladakh, Jammu too experienced its share of winter’s icy breath. Jammu City recorded a minimum temperature of 3.4 degrees Celsius, leaving the residents reaching for extra layers to combat the unexpected nip in the air. The nearby towns of Katra, Batote, Bhaderwah, and Banihal each had their unique encounter with the winter chill, creating a tapestry of frost that blanketed the entire region.

Chillai Kalan: The 40-Day Winter Odyssey

The onset of this bone-chilling phenomenon coincided with the commencement of ‘Chillai Kalan,’ a 40-day period renowned for its unyielding grip on the region. Beginning on December 21st, this frosty sojourn will continue its icy reign until January 30th. Locals, familiar with the rhythm of nature, eagerly anticipate the blanket of snow that this period promises, providing a crucial resource for drinking and irrigation during the scorching summer months.

The Dance of Chilly Winds and Frosty Whispers

As the residents brace themselves for the dance of the chilly winds and frosty whispers, the hope lingers for abundant snowfall during Chillai Kalan. This annual spectacle not only transforms the landscape into a winter wonderland but also serves as a lifeline for the communities, ensuring ample water supply in the upcoming warmer months.

In the delicate balance of nature’s grand theatre, the icy embrace of Chillai Kalan paints a poignant picture of survival and harmony. It’s not merely a drop in temperature; it’s a symphony of frost, a dance of survival, and a testament to the resilient spirit of the people who call this frost-kissed land their home.


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