Over 100 Employee Organizations Dissatisfied with Congress


New Delhi : The narrative of political and social unrest in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, is unfolding dramatically, with over 100 irregular employee organizations expressing their discontent towards the Congress government. This sentiment has become particularly prominent following the legislative assembly elections, where a notable shift in allegiance was observed. Postal ballots revealed a significant trend of government employees voting for BJP, marking a pivotal change in the political dynamics of the state. This article aims to unravel the reasons behind the growing dissatisfaction among these employees and its impact on the political landscape of Chhattisgarh.

The Core of Employee Discontent

The discontent stems from several unresolved issues, including pending arrears, stagnation in promotions, and the non-implementation of a Dearness Allowance (DA) at par with the Centre’s standards. Chhattisgarh’s workforce comprises approximately seven lakh irregular and four lakh regular employees, each grappling with their own set of grievances that extend beyond mere financial concerns.

Unfulfilled Promises of 2018: A Catalyst for Unrest

The origins of this unrest can be traced back to the 2018 elections when the Congress party pledged to regularize contract and irregular employees in its manifesto. Five years later, this promise remains unfulfilled, fueling resentment particularly among the irregular workforce. Additionally, the regular employees have their grievances, contributing to the overall atmosphere of dissatisfaction.

Highlighting the Specific Issues Raised by Employees

The employees’ discontent is rooted in several key issues:

  1. Failure in Regularizing Contract Employees: The unmet promise of regularizing contract workers.
  2. Delays in DA Parity: The discrepancies and delays in the disbursement of Dearness Allowance as per Central government rates.
  3. Concerns Over Job Security: The fear of layoffs and the trend of increasing outsourcing.
  4. Pay Disparities Among Assistant Teachers: The existing inconsistencies in the pay scales of assistant teachers.

Expectations from the New Government

Gopal Sahu, the coordinator of the Chhattisgarh Irregular Employees Front, voiced the collective disappointment with the Congress government’s failure to honor its promises. The Chhattisgarh School Teachers and Employees Association also pointed out issues related to the withholding of DA and arrears by the Congress government, contrasting it with the timely benefits provided to All India Services officers. With the change in government, there is a renewed hope for the fulfillment of these longstanding demands.

BJP’s Early Lead in Postal Ballots: A Sign of Changing Times

The postal ballot count on December 3 revealed an early lead for BJP candidates. Out of the 103,753 postal ballots counted, a substantial number favored BJP, indicating a shift in government employees’ support from Congress to BJP.

Decoding the Shift in Government Employee Voting Patterns

The changing voting pattern of government employees, especially evident in postal ballots, is a telling sign of the current political sentiment in Chhattisgarh. This shift not only mirrors the employees’ dissatisfaction but also sets expectations for the new administration.

A Pivotal Moment in Chhattisgarh’s Political Narrative

The growing discontent among government employees in Chhattisgarh signifies a critical juncture in the state’s political narrative. The issues raised by both irregular and regular employees have influenced their voting behavior, bringing to light important challenges that need immediate redressal. As Chhattisgarh moves forward, all eyes are on the new government’s response to these issues and its ability to rebuild trust among this crucial segment of the electorate.


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