Choosing Gratitude Over Complaints: A Path to Inner Strength

transformative power of gratitude in times of sorrow
transformative power of gratitude in times of sorrow

New Delhi : In moments of adversity and despair, it is a common human tendency to turn to the divine for solace and answers. Yet, paradoxically, it is during these very moments that people often find themselves questioning the very existence and benevolence of God. The age-old question emerges: Why do we have to endure such trying times? Some go as far as to curse the divine for their misfortunes. But is this the right approach?

The Conundrum of Human Suffering

When faced with adversity, individuals often resort to blaming God for their predicaments. It’s an instinctive reaction, born out of frustration and a sense of helplessness. When quick relief doesn’t materialize despite fervent pleas, it can be deeply disheartening. It’s as if the divine is indifferent to their suffering, leaving them feeling abandoned and unheard.

The root of this anguish lies in the belief that God alone possesses the power to alleviate their woes, yet He remains silent or unresponsive. However, there’s a profound perspective that suggests a different path – one of gratitude rather than complaint.

The Wisdom of Gratitude in Adversity

Great spiritual leaders and thinkers have long advocated for an alternative approach in times of sorrow – to express gratitude to God instead of cursing Him. This seemingly counterintuitive notion is grounded in the idea that gratitude has transformative power. When we thank God amidst our trials, we tap into a wellspring of inner strength, paving the way for our own solutions to emerge.

It’s essential to recognize that God does not intentionally subject anyone to suffering, nor does He have the power to magically extricate individuals from their troubles. The divine plays a different role – that of a guiding force, illuminating the path forward. The individual, however, must make the journey themselves.

The Teachings of Lord Shri Krishna

Lord Shri Krishna, in the sacred text of the Bhagavad Gita, imparts wisdom that aligns with this perspective. He emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and personal responsibility. In essence, God serves as a guide, but the individual must ultimately make choices and take actions.

The Exemplary Life of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

The life of the great modern saint, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, offers a compelling illustration of this philosophy. It is believed that Mother Kali herself appeared to him, showering him with divine love and care. However, even when faced with a terminal illness like cancer, Ramakrishna did not beseech Mother Kali for a miraculous cure. Instead, he chose to endure his suffering, viewing it as an opportunity to expiate the karmic debts from his past lives. Ultimately, he attained the highest state of spiritual realization.

Osho’s Insights on the Path to God

Osho, a prominent spiritual teacher of the 20th century, posits that the more a devotee embraces the pain of seeking God, the closer they draw to the divine. This journey culminates when the devotee merges completely with God. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s life serves as a testament to this transformative process.

The Ancient Perspective on Sade Sati

In ancient times, people viewed the period of Sade Sati with anticipation rather than dread. This astrological phase, associated with Saturn, was considered an opportunity for spiritual growth and liberation. Sages and saints referred to Saturn as the bestower of salvation.

Changing Perceptions of Saturn

In the present day, Saturn has become a source of fear and anxiety for many. This shift in perception is indicative of the changing values and priorities in modern society. People have become more focused on seeking pleasure and immediate gratification, often at the expense of patience and resilience.

The Role of Karma in Human Experiences

Scriptures affirm that human experiences of happiness and sorrow are a direct result of accumulated karma from past lives. The cycle of birth and death persists until the consequences of our actions are exhausted. Those who pursue only happiness must continue to reincarnate and endure suffering as well. Therefore, the path to liberation lies in maintaining equanimity in the face of adversity, refraining from complaints to God, and allowing happiness to naturally unfold.


In times of sorrow, it is a profound choice to express gratitude to God rather than cursing Him. This shift in perspective empowers individuals to harness their inner strength, take responsibility for their lives, and embark on a transformative journey of self-realization. The teachings of Lord Shri Krishna, the life of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and the wisdom of spiritual leaders like Osho all converge on the idea that suffering can be a catalyst for spiritual growth.

The ancient understanding of Saturn’s influence on human lives underscores the importance of patience and resilience in the face of challenges. By recognizing the role of karma in shaping our experiences, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with equanimity.

Ultimately, the choice between cursing God and thanking Him is a deeply personal one. However, embracing gratitude in times of sorrow not only elevates our spirits but also opens doors to profound spiritual insights and growth. It is a path that leads not only to relief from suffering but to the profound realization of our inner divinity.


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