SEBI Tightens Grip on Karvy Group


Mumbai  : The Securities and Exchange Board of India, commonly known as SEBI, has recently escalated its measures against three distinguished former executives of the esteemed Karvy Group. This action stems from allegations pertaining to the misappropriation of client funds, a grave concern that affects the integrity of the financial system.

Notice Issued to Three Key Karvy Group Personnel

In a move that has caught the attention of financial analysts and stakeholders alike, SEBI has dispatched notices to three pivotal figures formerly associated with Karvy Stock Broking Limited (KSBL):

  1. Krishna Hari, the ex-Vice President of Finance & Accounts (F&A)
  2. Srikrishna Gurajada, the erstwhile Compliance Officer
  3. Srinivas Raju, who previously held the position of General Manager, overseeing back office operations.

These notices explicitly state the amounts due, totalling nearly Rs 1.8 crore. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Krishna Hari has been directed to pay Rs 1.06 crore
  • Srinivas Raju has been issued a notice for Rs 42.41 lakh
  • Srikrishna Gurajada has been asked to settle an amount of Rs 31.81 lakh

These figures incorporate interest and the costs associated with recovery.

Consequences of Non-Payment: A Stern Warning

SEBI has underscored the gravity of the situation by highlighting the repercussions of non-compliance. The notices assert that should the payment not materialize within the stipulated 15-day window, several stringent measures will be initiated:

  • The potential arrest of the aforementioned individuals
  • Attachment and possible sale of both movable and immovable assets
  • Seizure of bank accounts

Unravelling the Case: The Allegations Against KSBL

The crux of the matter revolves around KSBL’s alleged malpractices concerning customer securities. It is believed that KSBL raised substantial funds by leveraging these securities, further exacerbated by the misuse of the Power of Attorney (POA) entrusted to them by their clientele. Such actions not only breach the sanctity of trust but also jeopardize the financial well-being of countless investors.

Furthermore, investigations have shed light on another alarming aspect. KSBL is accused of diverting these funds to its affiliated group institutions, thereby raising questions about the transparency and ethics of its operations.

SEBI’s Commitment to Upholding Market Integrity

This incident underscores SEBI’s unwavering commitment to ensuring that market participants adhere to the highest standards of conduct. By taking decisive action against entities that seemingly flout the rules, SEBI sends a clear message about its intent to safeguard the interests of investors and maintain the sanctity of the Indian financial markets.


The actions taken by SEBI against the former Karvy Group executives serve as a potent reminder of the responsibilities that financial institutions bear. It is essential for all market participants to operate within the framework of the law and uphold the trust placed in them by their clientele. As this case unfolds, it will undoubtedly set precedents and offer valuable lessons for the broader financial community.


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