The Hamas-Israel Crisis: UN’s Role Under the Microscope

From Tel Aviv to the UN Unraveling the Complexities of the Hamas-Israel War
From Tel Aviv to the UN Unraveling the Complexities of the Hamas-Israel War

Geneva :  Situated in the heart of Tel Aviv, a crisis brews. Since October 7, Hamas and Israel have been locked in an intense face-off, claiming over 4,000 lives. Israel remains unwavering in its decision to strike the Gaza Strip, while 22 Islamic nations are firmly supporting Hamas. Weapon supplies to Hamas are reportedly channeled through Lebanon and Syria, while nations like the USA, UK, and Germany are supplying military equipment to Israel. This divide is hinting at a potential global bifurcation, raising the specter of a Third World War.

Casualties on Both Sides

Hamas initiated its assault on Israel 10 days ago, leading to the tragic loss of approximately 1,400 Israeli lives. Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes on the Gaza Strip have caused an estimated 2,700 Palestinian casualties. Currently, Israel’s offensive is limited to airstrikes. However, there are indications that the Israeli military may soon launch sea and land-based attacks on Gaza. Meanwhile, U.S. President Joe Biden has urged Israel to exercise caution, deeming any occupation of Gaza inappropriate.

Border Precautions and Hezbollah’s Involvement

Israel has begun evacuating civilians from its border with Lebanon, relocating 28 communities residing within two kilometers of the Lebanese border to government-allocated safe zones. Given the recent rocket attacks from Lebanon, Israel attributes these assaults to the Iran-backed Hezbollah organization and is formulating an apt response. Israel’s recent actions are perceived as a forewarning to Hezbollah.

A Humanitarian Crisis and the Role of the UN

The ongoing conflict has precipitated a humanitarian crisis. Displaced individuals are seeking refuge in makeshift camps. Amidst this, the United Nations’ role has come under scrutiny. Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, has criticized the UN and WHO for their perceived bias towards Hamas. He contended that the UN lacks the authority to reprimand nations combatting terrorism. Furthermore, following the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the UN’s credibility was questioned.

In light of these events, it’s essential to understand the UN’s purpose and responsibilities. Established post-World War II, the UN aimed to promote global peace and cooperation. Historically, there have been instances where the UN faced criticism for its perceived inaction or inability to prevent conflicts. The current Hamas-Israel conflict and the prior Russia-Ukraine war are recent examples that have led to debates on the UN’s effectiveness in fulfilling its foundational objectives ?


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