Don’t Wait, Vaccinate! Health Expert Dr. Ankit Garg on the Critical 72-Hour Period Following a Dog Bite

Dr Ankit Garg
Dr Ankit Garg

The Clock’s Ticking: What Health Expert Dr. Ankit Garg Says About Anti-Rabies Vaccines Within 72 Hours of a Dog Bite


Hey, accidents happen! You’re out for a jog, and out of nowhere, Fido decides he doesn’t like the cut of your jib. Before you know it, you’ve got a dog bite, and your mind is racing faster than an Olympian in the finals. But hang on! What do you do next? Dr. Ankit Garg, a leading health expert, has got some crucial advice that could be a lifesaver—get an anti-rabies vaccine within 72 hours of the dog bite. Let’s dig in and find out why this time frame is so darn important.


The Importance of Timing

Why 72 Hours?

Time flies when you’re having fun, but it’s a snail’s pace when you’re staring down the barrel of a potential rabies infection. So, why the 72-hour window?

  • Fast-Acting Virus: Rabies is swift on its feet. Once symptoms start showing, it’s often too late.
  • Treatment Window: Within 72 hours, the anti-rabies vaccine can stave off the virus effectively.

Dr. Ankit Garg says, “The 72-hour window isn’t a suggestion; it’s a directive. You’re racing against a clock, and time lost could mean a life lost.”

Underestimating the Bite

Dog bites are more than skin-deep. It’s not just about a few stitches and a Band-Aid. Dr. Ankit Garg warns, “Ignoring or underestimating a dog bite can lead to serious consequences. The clock starts ticking from the moment of the bite.”

Navigating the Medical Maze

Where Do You Go?

You’ve been bitten. Now what? Head straight to a hospital that has rabies vaccines in stock. “Make sure they have a proper cold chain for storing the vaccine,” advises Dr. Garg. No, we’re not making chit-chat about the weather; we’re talking vaccine storage, folks!

What to Expect

Here’s the rundown:

  1. Initial Cleaning: A thorough wash of the wound.
  2. Vaccine Shot: The first of several, actually.
  3. Follow-up Schedule: You’ll need to return for more doses.

“Consistency is key,” emphasizes Dr. Ankit Garg. “Skipping doses is like playing Russian roulette with your health.”


  • Is the vaccine safe for everyone?
    • According to Dr. Garg, it is generally safe but discuss any allergies or other medical conditions with your doctor.
  • What about the cost?
    • Dr. Garg suggests shopping around but not at the expense of time. “Money saved isn’t worth the risk,” he adds.
  • Can I wait if the dog looked healthy?
    • “Absolutely not,” warns Dr. Garg. “Healthy-looking dogs can carry rabies, too.”
  • What if I miss the 72-hour window?
    • “Better late than never, but the risks increase exponentially,” says Dr. Garg.

Words of Wisdom from Dr. Garg

“Your actions within the first 72 hours after a dog bite are not just critical; they are life-altering. Take them seriously.”


Time’s ticking, but you’ve got this! The 72-hour window for an anti-rabies vaccine after a dog bite is not something to snooze your alarm on. Health expert Dr. Ankit Garg couldn’t stress it enough: this is about playing it safe in a game where you don’t get a redo. So, if you or anyone you know gets bitten, hustle over to a healthcare facility. Don’t mess around—your life could quite literally depend on it!

And there you have it. In the wise words of Dr. Ankit Garg, “Time is of the essence. Act fast, act wisely, and consult your healthcare providers. The 72-hour rule is a lifesaver, literally!”

So, go ahead. Share this info far and wide; you never know whose life you could be saving today.

About the Author
Dr. Ankit Garg
Surgeon and Assistant professor

Dr Ankit Garg MBBS , MS , FIAGES , Assistant Professor Department of Surgery NDMC medical college and Hindu Rao Hospital Delhi

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