The Long Wait: 11 Lakh Indians Awaiting Green Cards in America


Washington : Explore the challenges faced by 11 lakh Indians waiting for Green Cards in the US. Discover why a 134-year waiting period is a grim reality for many.


The dream of securing a Green Card, or Permanent Resident Card, in the United States has been a longstanding aspiration for countless individuals from around the world. Among them, a staggering 11 lakh (1.1 million) Indians find themselves in a state of limbo, awaiting their chance at permanent residency in the land of opportunity. This staggering number comes to light through a report by the renowned US think tank, the Cato Institute. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the intricate web of green card applications, the plight of these hopeful Indians, and the mounting challenges they face in realizing their American dreams.

The Significance of a Green Card

Before we dive into the specifics of the situation, let’s first understand the significance of a Green Card. Also known as a Permanent Resident Card, it is the golden ticket to living and working permanently in the United States. This coveted status opens doors to a myriad of opportunities, from pursuing higher education to accessing healthcare and social security benefits, ultimately paving the way for a brighter future.

The Dismal Numbers

According to the Cato Institute’s report, a staggering 11 lakh Indians have their applications for Green Cards pending in the US immigration system. To put this into perspective, it means that approximately 63% of the total employment-based citizenship applications in the United States are from Indians.

However, the grim reality is that many of these applicants may never realize their American dream. The report grimly states that it would take an astonishing 134 years for Indian applicants to receive their Green Cards, with an alarming 4.24 lakh individuals projected to have passed away before their applications are approved.

The Fields Dominated by Indians

It’s no secret that Indian professionals have played a pivotal role in shaping the American technology and engineering landscape. A significant portion of the workforce in science, technology, and engineering sectors comprises Indian and Chinese citizens. Despite their indispensable contributions, obtaining a Green Card remains an elusive goal for many.

The Growing Crisis

The growing backlog of Green Card applications and the extensive wait times have evolved into a pressing crisis for the Indian diaspora in the United States. Despite the best efforts of the Biden administration and Indian-American lawmakers, a concrete solution has remained elusive.

A Global Perspective

While the United States may be the ultimate destination for many aspiring immigrants, it’s worth noting that Indians are also exploring other options. In 2021 alone, a staggering 7.88 lakh Indians renounced their Indian citizenship in favor of foreign passports, with the United States, Australia, Canada, and Britain topping the list of preferred destinations.

India’s Efforts

The Indian government has been proactive in addressing the concerns of its overseas citizens. During Prime Minister Modi’s visit to the United States, several significant announcements were made to streamline the process for Indian nationals.

One notable change is the renewal of H1B visas, a common route to employment in the United States, which can now be done directly in the United States, eliminating the need for individuals to return to their home country for visa renewals. Additionally, plans to establish American Consulate Offices in Bangalore and Ahmedabad were announced, aiming to provide more accessible services to Indian immigrants.

The Way Forward

The Indian community in America continues to wait with bated breath for a resolution to the Green Card backlog. The situation not only affects the lives and aspirations of millions but also has wider implications for the American workforce and economy.


In conclusion, the predicament of 11 lakh Indians awaiting Green Cards in the United States highlights the complexities and challenges within the immigration system. The dream of a better life and brighter opportunities in the land of the free remains unfulfilled for many, despite their invaluable contributions to American society. As the wait persists, it is a stark reminder of the need for immigration reform and a more streamlined process to ensure that those who dream of calling America home can do so with a fair chance at success.


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