Mamta’s Plea: Preserving Democracy through Judiciary’s Role in Appointing Election Commissioners

Mamta Burnjee, Chief Justice, PM Modi
Mamta Burnjee, Chief Justice, PM Modi

New Delhi  : Gain a nuanced understanding of the bill’s impact on India’s democratic landscape. Examine the varying perspectives and arguments presented by different stakeholders. Grasp the significance of the outcome for the nation’s electoral process and judicial role in safeguarding democracy.


The Modi government has put forth a bill concerning the selection of the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and Election Commissioners (EC) in the Rajya Sabha. This significant development has sparked debates and discussions, as it outlines a three-member committee, headed by the Prime Minister, tasked with appointing these crucial electoral figures. Notably, the bill has raised eyebrows due to the exclusion of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) from the committee, a move that has garnered both support and criticism from various quarters. This article delves into the nuances of the bill, analyzes the arguments put forth by both sides, and explores the potential implications for India’s democratic fabric.

The Bill’s Provisions

Under the proposed bill, a three-member committee consisting of the Prime Minister, a Cabinet Minister, and the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha would take on the responsibility of selecting the CEC and EC. The bill excludes the Chief Justice of India (CJI) from this committee, which has ignited a firestorm of opinions across the political spectrum. The aim, according to the government, is to streamline the selection process and ensure a balanced representation within the committee.

Mamta Banerjee’s Critique

Bengal Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee has been an outspoken critic of the bill. She argues that the role of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) holds significant importance in maintaining the impartiality and integrity of the committee. Mamta Banerjee contends that replacing the CJI with a Union Minister would pave the way for arbitrariness and potential manipulation of votes. Her concerns stem from the belief that excluding the CJI might lead to a less transparent and unbiased selection process, undermining the democratic ideals that India holds dear.

In a statement, she asserted, “India should question this disrespect of the judiciary. Do they want to make the judiciary a kangaroo court run by ministers? We fold our hands for India before the Judiciary. My lord, please save our country.”

The Congress’ Stand

The Congress party has also raised its voice against the bill, invoking past instances to bolster their argument. In 2012, LK Advani wrote a letter to then-Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, advocating for the involvement of the Leader of the Opposition and the CJI in the selection panel for the CEC and EC. The Congress contends that this bill infringes upon the principles enshrined in the constitution and curtails the rights of both the judiciary and the people to contribute to a fair and equitable selection process.

Congress Rajya Sabha MP and spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala stated, “This bill is a violation of the constitution. The judiciary and the people have the right to choose the government in a fair manner.”

The Larger Implications

The debate surrounding the bill extends beyond its immediate provisions. It reflects a broader discourse on the balance of power and checks and balances within a democratic framework. The exclusion of the CJI from the committee raises concerns about the autonomy and impartiality of the selection process. The proponents of the bill argue that the inclusion of the Prime Minister, Cabinet Minister, and Leader of the Opposition in the committee ensures a diverse representation that aligns with democratic principles.

However, critics like Mamta Banerjee and the Congress party contend that the CJI’s involvement acts as a safeguard against potential biases and ensures a robust decision-making process. Their stance emphasizes the judiciary’s role in maintaining the democratic integrity of the nation.


The bill introduced by the Modi government has stirred significant debate within India’s political landscape. As the nation strives to preserve its democratic ideals, discussions on the inclusion of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) in the committee tasked with selecting the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and Election Commissioners (EC) have taken center stage. The diverse viewpoints and arguments presented by various political stakeholders underscore the complexity of the issue.

In the end, the outcome of this debate will shape the future of India’s electoral process and the role of the judiciary in safeguarding the democratic fabric. As the nation watches, the interplay between political pragmatism and constitutional principles will ultimately determine the direction India takes on this crucial matter.


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