Tomato Boom: Farmers Strike Gold as Prices Reach Record Highs


New Delhi  : Tomato farmers have become millionaires in the midst of soaring inflation. Tomato prices have been on the rise, contributing to the overall increase in inflation. The retail inflation rate in June reached 4.81 percent, and tomatoes have become scarce in households across the country. Many reports suggest that farmers are not reaping the benefits of this price surge. However, there are some exceptional cases of farmers who have capitalized on the tomato price hike and achieved significant financial success.

One such farmer hails from Karnataka, and his name is Venkataraman. He belongs to Chintamani taluka and recently sold a box of tomatoes for Rs. 2,200. When he brought his produce to Kolar Mandi, he had a total of 54 boxes, with each box containing 15 kg of tomatoes. Out of the 54 boxes, he managed to sell 26 boxes at the price of Rs. 2,200 per box. The remaining boxes were sold for Rs. 1,800 each. In total, he earned over 17 lakhs by selling all 54 boxes.

These success stories highlight the profitability of tomato farming amidst the current market conditions. While farmers in general may be facing challenges, these exceptional individuals have managed to take advantage of the high tomato prices and transform their fortunes.


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