Prime Minister Modi’s US Visit Yields Landmark Deal: GE and HAL Join Forces for Jet Engines

pmmodi Joe Biden
pmmodi Joe Biden

Washington : That’s great news! The announcement of an agreement between General Electric (GE) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to provide jet engines for the Indian Air Force is a significant development. The agreement was made during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United States, where he met with GE Chairman H Lawrence Culp Jr.

According to the aerospace branch, the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between GE and HAL marks a major milestone and strengthens defense cooperation between the two countries. The collaboration between GE Aerospace and HAL will focus on manufacturing jet engines for the Indian Air Force.

This agreement signifies a step forward in India’s efforts to enhance its defense capabilities and promote indigenous manufacturing in the aerospace sector. It demonstrates the growing partnership between India and the United States in the field of defense and technology.


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