Prime Minister Modi Inspires Hindu Americans’ Political Aspirations

American Hindus
American Hindus

Washington – :The Hindu American community has been actively working towards enhancing its political engagement and raising awareness about the issues faced by its members. On June 14, a significant milestone was achieved as the first-ever Hindu-American conference, named American for Hindu, took place at the prestigious US Capitol Hill in Washington. This conference aimed to draw the attention of American lawmakers to the challenges encountered by the Hindu community residing in America. Led by Dr. Romesh Japra, the founder and president of American for Hindu, this historic event witnessed the collaboration of various organizations, ultimately highlighting the significance of political participation among Hindu Americans.

Political Empowerment of Hindu Americans

A Step towards Political Engagement

Dr. Romesh Japra expressed his excitement regarding the Hindu-American summit held at the US Capitol Hill. He emphasized the importance of political engagement, stating that despite Indian Americans excelling in various fields, they have been relatively underrepresented in the political landscape. Japra, along with other Hindu American leaders, believed that discrimination against the Hindu American community persists and felt that organizing a summit of this magnitude would help address these concerns effectively.

The American for Hindu Conference

The American for Hindu conference, organized by the American for Hindu Political Action Committee in conjunction with 20 other diasporas, aimed to foster political participation among Hindu Americans. Notable Indian American leaders from cities such as Florida, New York, Boston, Texas, Chicago, and California actively participated in this conference, with approximately 130 leaders in attendance. The conference served as a platform to discuss pressing issues faced by the Hindu American community and strategize ways to promote political representation.

Inspiration from PM Modi and the Importance of Political Inclusion

Anticipation for PM Modi’s US Visit

Dr. Romesh Japra expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States. Japra acknowledged PM Modi’s remarkable leadership and his potential to elevate India’s global standing. He viewed PM Modi as a source of inspiration and expressed hope that his visit would further strengthen the ties between the two nations.

The Influence of Hindu American Voters

Richard McCormick, an American Member of Parliament, acknowledged the significance of the Hindu American community in the political landscape. He confidently stated that Hindu Americans possess the power to contribute to the election of the next President of the United States. McCormick firmly believed in the potential of Hindu American voters to shape the nation’s future through their active participation in the democratic process.

Promoting Awareness of Hindu Community Issues

The Hindu American conference sought to garner attention from American lawmakers and highlight the unique challenges faced by the Hindu community residing in the United States. By organizing this conference, the aim was to foster a deeper understanding of the issues hindering the progress and well-being of Hindu Americans.


The American for Hindu conference held at the US Capitol Hill marked a significant milestone for the Hindu American community, emphasizing the importance of political engagement and advocating for the rights and representation of Hindu Americans. Led by Dr. Romesh Japra, this conference brought together various organizations and Indian American leaders to address the challenges faced by the Hindu community. Inspired by the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the conference further highlighted the potential of Hindu American voters in shaping the future of the United States. With continued efforts, it is hoped that the Hindu American community will achieve greater political empowerment, thereby contributing to the overall progress and inclusivity of the nation.


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