Medicines Ban Update: Government Takes Action Against 14 FDC Medicines


New Delhi – : In a significant move to ensure public safety and regulate the pharmaceutical industry, the government has recently imposed a ban on the sale of 14 Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) medicines. This decision, announced on June 3, 2023, aims to address concerns regarding the use of these medicines for the treatment of cough, cold, and respiratory infections. As a responsible and informed individual, it is crucial to stay aware of these developments and ensure that you do not have any of these banned medicines in your home.

Understanding Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) Medicines

Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) medicines refer to medications that are created by blending two or more active pharmaceutical ingredients. The purpose behind developing such combinations is to enhance treatment effectiveness, simplify medication regimens, and improve patient compliance. However, the government has recognized certain risks associated with these combinations, leading to the imposition of this ban.

Government’s Rationale for the Ban

Experts have long expressed concerns over the safety and efficacy of FDC medicines, and several countries have already banned their use. In line with these concerns, the government has determined that there is no medical justification for the utilization of these FDCs in the treatment of fever, diarrhea, cough, cold, and respiratory infections. The notification further emphasizes the potential risks to human health associated with these medicines.

Prioritizing Public Interest

The decision to ban the manufacture, sale, and distribution of these FDCs is driven by the larger public interest. The government’s objective is to safeguard the well-being of individuals and ensure that they have access to safe and effective medications. By taking this long-pending step, based on recommendations from the Expert Committee and the Drug Technical Advisory Board, the government aims to protect citizens from potentially harmful drugs.

Continued Efforts for Stringent Regulation

This recent ban is not the first step taken by the government to regulate the pharmaceutical industry. Back in 2016, a comprehensive drive was initiated to scrutinize and filter out drug combinations within the Indian pharmaceutical market. Approximately 350 FDCs were banned during that period, impacting over 2,700 branded drugs. Such actions demonstrate the government’s commitment to upholding strict standards and prioritizing public health.

Future Considerations

In addition to addressing cocktail drugs, the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) may also focus on a phased ban of codeine-based drugs. These measures indicate a proactive approach toward monitoring and regulating the pharmaceutical landscape to ensure the highest level of safety and efficacy for the general public.


The government’s recent decision to ban 14 Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) medicines signifies its commitment to public health and safety. By prohibiting the manufacture, sale, and distribution of these medicines, the government aims to protect individuals from potential risks associated with these combinations. It is vital for everyone to stay informed about these developments and take necessary steps to ensure that they do not possess any of the banned medicines in their homes.

Remember, your well-being and that of your loved ones is of utmost importance. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and prioritize your health.


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