Bank Raises Fixed Deposit Interest Rates : Boost Your Savings with New FD Rates


Mumbai – :  If you’re considering opening a fixed deposit (FD) account in a bank, there’s good news for you. Banks have recently increased the interest rates on FDs, allowing you to earn higher returns on your investment. Bank of India, in particular, has raised its FD rates, offering customers the opportunity to earn up to 7% interest. The official website of the bank has provided detailed information regarding this update, stating that the increased interest rates will apply to FDs of less than Rs 2 crore.


Fixed deposits have always been a popular investment option due to their low-risk nature and guaranteed returns. With the recent increase in interest rates, FDs have become even more attractive for individuals looking to grow their savings. This article will explore the latest updates on FD interest rates, focusing on the changes introduced by Bank of India and other banks.

Increased Interest Rates on Fixed Deposits (FDs)

Fixed deposits are a reliable way to earn interest on your savings by depositing a specific amount of money for a fixed period. The interest rates offered on FDs determine the returns you can expect to receive. In light of the current economic conditions, several banks have revised their interest rates to provide customers with better returns on their investments.

Bank of India’s Updated Rates

Bank of India, one of the leading banks in the country, has made significant changes to its FD interest rates. These changes apply to both general customers and specific customer segments, such as senior citizens and very senior citizens.

Increased Interest Rates for General Customers

After the recent amendment, Bank of India now offers an interest rate ranging from three percent to seven percent on FDs with terms ranging from seven days to 10 years. This update ensures that general customers can benefit from higher returns on their FD investments.

Special Rates for Senior Citizens and Very Senior Citizens

Bank of India understands the importance of catering to the needs of senior citizens and very senior citizens. To provide them with additional benefits, the bank offers a higher interest rate of 7.50 percent on one-year FDs for senior citizens and 7.65 percent for very senior citizens (above 80 years). These attractive rates aim to incentivize senior citizens to invest their savings in FDs and earn a substantial return.

Other Banks Increasing Interest Rates

Bank of India is not the only bank that has decided to raise its FD interest rates. Various other banks, including small finance banks, have also implemented similar changes to attract customers and encourage them to invest in FDs.

Small Finance Bank’s Updated Rates

Small Finance Bank has recently increased its interest rates on FDs. As of May 25, the bank is offering an interest rate of 8.51 percent on 1000-day FDs for ordinary citizens. This revised rate provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to earn higher returns on their long-term FD investments.

Fincare Small Finance Bank’s Updated Rates

Fincare Small Finance Bank is another bank that has introduced revised interest rates. The bank’s new rates have also come into effect from May 25. Currently, Fincare Small Finance Bank offers an interest rate of 8.51 percent on 1000-day FDs for ordinary citizens. This competitive rate aims to attract customers and enable them to maximize their savings through fixed deposits.

Benefits for Ordinary Citizens and Senior Citizens

The increased interest rates on FDs benefit both ordinary citizens and senior citizens. Let’s explore the advantages provided by these updated rates.

Interest Rates on 1000 Days FD

One of the key benefits of the revised rates is the attractive interest offered on 1000-day FDs. Ordinary citizens can now earn interest at the rate of 8.51 percent, while senior citizens can enjoy a higher rate of 9.11 percent. These rates ensure that individuals have the opportunity to accumulate significant returns on their FD investments over a long period.

Minimum Deposit Requirement

To avail the benefits of the higher interest rates, individuals must deposit a minimum amount of Rs 5000. This requirement ensures that customers can access the increased interest rates and take advantage of the improved returns on their FD investments.


The recent increase in FD interest rates by Bank of India and other banks presents a lucrative opportunity for individuals seeking to grow their savings. By taking advantage of these revised rates, customers can earn higher returns on their FD investments. Whether you’re a general customer, a senior citizen, or a very senior citizen, the updated rates cater to different customer segments and provide increased benefits.

With the revised interest rates, FDs become an even more appealing investment option due to their low risk and guaranteed returns. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your savings and secure your financial future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How can I open a fixed deposit account in Bank of India?
    To open a fixed deposit account with Bank of India, you can visit any branch of the bank and approach the customer service desk. The bank staff will guide you through the account opening process and provide the necessary forms and documents required to complete the application.
  2. Are the increased interest rates applicable to existing FDs?
    No, the increased interest rates usually apply to new FDs and may not be applicable to existing FDs. It’s advisable to check with the bank or consult a bank representative to understand the terms and conditions regarding the revised interest rates.
  3. What are the benefits for senior citizens in terms of interest rates?
    Senior citizens are eligible for special interest rates on their fixed deposits. Banks offer higher rates to senior citizens as an incentive to encourage them to invest in FDs. These higher rates ensure that senior citizens can earn more substantial returns on their savings.
  4. Is there a maximum limit for FDs to avail the increased interest rates?
    The increased interest rates are typically applicable to FDs below a specific threshold, usually Rs 2 crore. Deposits exceeding this limit may have different interest rates or fall under a separate category. It’s advisable to check with the bank to understand the maximum limit for availing the increased interest rates.
  5. What are the documents required to open an FD account?
    To open an FD account, you typically need to provide identification and address proof documents such as PAN card, Aadhaar card, passport, or driver’s license. Additionally, you may need to complete the account opening form and provide a recent photograph. It’s recommended to contact the bank or visit their website to obtain the complete list of required documents.


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