Assam Government Bans Jeans and T-shirts in Schools


Guwahati – : In a recent move, the Assam government has taken a decisive step towards promoting professionalism and maintaining decorum in government schools. The state’s school education department has introduced a dress code that prohibits teachers from wearing jeans, T-shirts, leggings, and other casual attire during school hours. This initiative aims to set an example of decency and professionalism for students and the entire educational community.

Upholding Standards of Decency and Professionalism

The notification issued by the school education department emphasizes the significance of a teacher’s role in shaping young minds. It states that teachers are expected to exemplify decency in all respects, especially while discharging their duties. By adhering to a dress code, teachers can reflect decorum, professionalism, and seriousness of purpose at the workplace.

Guidelines for Male and Female Teachers

The dress code applies to both male and female teachers, with specific guidelines provided for each. Male teachers are required to wear proper formal attire, including formal shirt-pants, which reflects a sense of professionalism. On the other hand, female teachers are expected to dress in decent salwar suits, sarees, or mekhla-chadors, showcasing elegance and cultural richness.

Promoting Clean and Decent Appearance

Apart from specifying the attire, the department also emphasizes the importance of cleanliness and appropriate color choices. Teachers, irrespective of gender, are directed to dress in clean and decent colors that maintain a formal appearance. The intention behind this guideline is to create a positive and professional atmosphere within the school premises.

The Path Towards Discipline and Academic Excellence

The order issued by Narayan Konwar, Secretary of the School Education Department, holds significant weight, and it is mandatory for all teachers to comply. Failure to adhere to the dress code may result in disciplinary action being taken. This step reinforces the government’s commitment to discipline and academic excellence, with the goal of creating an environment that fosters optimal learning and growth.

The Vision for a School Rule Book

Assam’s Education Minister, Dr. Ranoj Pegu, has further revealed plans to introduce a comprehensive school rule book for all government schools in the state. This rule book will outline guidelines on various aspects, including school management and classroom conduct. The objective is to provide a standardized framework that ensures uniformity, discipline, and efficiency across educational institutions.

Benefits of Implementing the Dress Code

The implementation of a dress code for teachers offers several benefits, both for the educators and the students. Firstly, it promotes a sense of professionalism and pride among teachers, enhancing their confidence and credibility. When teachers dress appropriately, they serve as role models for students, inspiring them to value discipline and present themselves in a respectable manner.

Furthermore, a dress code helps establish a clear distinction between professional and casual environments. By adhering to formal attire, teachers create an atmosphere of seriousness and focus, fostering an environment conducive to learning and academic growth. It also aids in minimizing distractions and maintaining the attention of students, enabling a more effective teaching and learning experience.

Conclusion: Striving for Excellence in Education

The Assam government’s decision to enforce a dress code for teachers in government schools signifies its commitment to promoting professionalism, discipline, and academic excellence. By setting standards of decency and professionalism, the government aims to cultivate a culture of respect, dedication, and focus within the educational community. This step will contribute to the overall development and success of students, preparing them to face future challenges with confidence.


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