The Truth Behind the Howrah Violence : BJP Accused of Arson by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee


The recent violence in Howrah, West Bengal has been a cause for concern, with accusations being made against both Hindus and Muslims. However, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has accused the BJP of being directly responsible for the unrest, alleging that the party was involved in the arson that took place in the city. The BJP has denied all allegations and accused Banerjee of playing communal politics. As responsible citizens, it is important that we work towards restoring peace and harmony in the region and ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future


In recent times, the city of Howrah in West Bengal has witnessed a spate of violence, leading to widespread chaos and tension in the region. There have been accusations and counter-accusations regarding the people responsible for the unrest, with both Hindus and Muslims being blamed for the situation. However, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has made it clear that neither the Hindus nor the Muslims are responsible for the violence. Instead, she has pointed the finger at the BJP, alleging that the party was involved in the arson that took place in the city.

The BJP’s Role in the Howrah Violence:

According to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, the BJP was directly involved in the violence that broke out in Howrah. She has accused the party of stoking communal tensions and creating a volatile environment in the region. The Chief Minister has claimed that the BJP has been trying to incite violence in West Bengal for some time now, with the aim of destabilizing the state government.

Banerjee has alleged that the BJP was responsible for the arson that took place in Howrah. She has claimed that the party’s workers were behind the burning of shops and other buildings in the city. The Chief Minister has also accused the BJP of trying to create a Hindu-Muslim divide in the region, with the aim of winning votes in the upcoming elections.

The BJP’s Response:

The BJP has denied all allegations made by the West Bengal Chief Minister. The party has accused Banerjee of trying to divert attention from her own failures as a leader. The BJP has claimed that it is not involved in any way in the violence that has taken place in Howrah.

The party has accused Banerjee of playing communal politics and trying to create divisions among the people of West Bengal. The BJP has claimed that it is committed to maintaining peace and harmony in the region and will not allow any kind of violence to take place.


The situation in Howrah is a matter of concern for all of us. It is important that peace and harmony are restored in the region as soon as possible. While there are allegations and counter-allegations being made by different parties, it is important that the truth is established through a fair and impartial investigation.

As responsible citizens, we must condemn all acts of violence and work towards creating a society that is free from hatred and intolerance. It is important that all political parties and leaders work together to ensure that the people of Howrah and West Bengal are not subjected to any kind of violence or unrest in the future.


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