What is the difference between Lord Vishnu and Narayan


Lord Vishnu has thousands of names. Narayan is one of them. You must have seen in films, TV serials or Ramlila that Narad Muni calls Lord Vishnu by the name of Narayan. This name has great importance religiously. The whole essence of the universe is hidden in this one name.

That’s why Lord Vishnu has been addressed by the name Narayan at most places in the scriptures. Description of eighteen Puranas is found in Hindu religion. Vishnu Purana is one of these eighteen Puranas. The creation of the universe has been described in this Purana.

In this Pram, it has been told how Lord Vishnu took the form of a boar and raised the earth from the abyss i.e. Patal Lok and placed it in the middle of the water. After this, Brahma ji created Asura Dev, Rakshasa Yaksha, human snake and other creatures from Satva Raj and Tama qualities.

It is told in the Vishnu Purana that at the end of creation everything gets absorbed in water and the entire universe becomes dark. Lord Vishnu sleeps in water in eternal sleep. When the day of the deities begins, Lord Vishnu creates the universe again and Brahma and Shiva are born from him.

Lord Vishnu first appears in the male form. That’s why they have been called Adipurush in the scriptures. The abode of Adi Purush Vishnu i.e. ion is nar i.e. water, hence Lord Vishnu is addressed by the name Narayan. PLC/GT


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