Electricity demand may increase on Diwali


This time, on the occasion of Diwali festival, there may be an increase in the demand of electricity of more than two and a half thousand MW in the state. This demand is likely to last for five days. On the basis of this estimate, 11,000 MW of electricity is being arranged by the State Electricity Department, so that no one has to remain in the dark during this period.

It is a different matter that till now the trend of consumption of electricity in the state regarding this festival has been that of consumption, but still the electricity department has made arrangements to provide additional electricity. In fact, the Electricity Department estimates that on Dhanteras, an additional requirement of two thousand MW will be required. Accordingly, the power company has made the system. There will be no power crisis in any part of the state, but enough electricity will be available to keep the entire state illuminated.

Simultaneously, arrangements are also being made to meet the increasing demand for the Rabi season after Diwali. According to the information, the three distribution companies of the state have also prepared an action plan so that the power supply should not be affected on Dhanteras and Diwali. The department claims that on this festival, along with the linemen and field staff, the office staff will also be active in the field, so that if anything happens, it can be rectified immediately.

If we look at the trend of the past years during the festival of Diwali, then the consumption of electricity decreases instead of increasing. You may be surprised to know this, but it is true. Despite providing plenty of electricity on Diwali, the festival of lights, the demand figure in the state has been less than normal days. The main reason for this is the closure of industries. According to a top official of MP Power Generation Company, there is definitely light on Diwali but most of the industries remain closed at that time. Machines are switched off in the factory for worship. The bulk of the demand for electricity is for industries. When the machine is turned off, the demand also decreases. Home-shops have LED lights, which does not have much effect.

The electricity department has estimated that the demand for electricity may increase by 20 to 25 percent during the festival. While the current demand of electricity in the state is eight and a half thousand MW, this demand is estimated to reach ten and a half thousand MW on Dhanteras and 11 and a half thousand MW by Diwali. Actually, another reason is being told for this, the irrigation of Rabi season has started. Due to which the demand for electricity will increase. According to the power companies, in this Rabi season, the demand of electricity in the state can reach 15 thousand megawatts.

Preparations have been made to withdraw the banked power in case there is less power supply during the festival and Rabi season. In fact, at the time of low demand, electricity banking was done by the state in five states including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh. Which can be withdrawn after Dhanteras. PLC/GT


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