NATO is trying to start a new cold war on the pretext of Ukraine crisis


China has raised doubts about NATO’s role in the war-torn country, its Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Chang Chun, in a speech at an open meeting of the Security Council on June 28, called for collective combat with NATO on the pretext of Ukraine crisis and not starting a new Cold War. the requested. Chang Chun said that China, like the peace-loving countries and peoples of the world, is closely monitoring NATO’s strategic transformation and is concerned about the themes of NATO’s so-called Strategic Cognition document. Some NATO leaders claim that other countries bring danger, but the reality is that NATO itself is creating trouble in different regions of the world.

China urges NATO not to deliberately counter and divide by finding imaginary enemies in the Asia-Pacific region. Chang Chun pointed out that after the Cold War, NATO expanded eastward five times. This did not make Europe more secure, on the contrary, the seeds of the encounter have been sown. Chang Chun said that dialogue is the only way to restore and strengthen peace.

NATO, on the other hand, on Wednesday described Russia as the “greatest and direct threat” to the peace and security of its members. At the same time, the NATO chief said that the coalition is facing the biggest security challenge since World War II. The Thirty-Nation Coalition at its summit in Madrid declared Russia a threat to NATO countries.

The NATO announcement underscores how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has dramatically affected the security system in post-Cold War Europe. Coalition leaders promised to “increase political and practical support” for Ukraine facing Russian aggression. However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday expressed displeasure with NATO for not fully helping his country and asked for more weapons to fight Russia. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the coalition was facing the most serious security crisis challenge since World War II.


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