Film ‘Ziyarat’s story is heart-warming




The story of the film “Ziyarat” is about a young Muslim named Abdul Kadir and his wife Mariyam who are going to go for Hajj. But during this, a terrorist attack takes place and in order to save their lives, Abdul’s friend Dina Nath and his wife Girija run away and hide somewhere. Amid all this, their small child gets separated from them. Abdul and Mariyam try to find Dina Nath and Girija all over Kashmir but do not succeed.

Abdul and Mariyam now decide to look after the child and hence cancel their Hajj trip. For two years continuously they try to find their lost friend. After two years they come to know that all the Kashmiri Pandits who resided in Kashmir have left the Kashmir Valley and have shifted in refugee camps near Kashmir. Abdul decides to search the refugee camps too.

After a lot of struggle, Abdul finds Dina Nath and his wife Girija.

  • Do Dina Nath and Girija take their child back from Abdul and Mariyam?
  • Does Dina Nath come back to live in Kashmir?
  • Does the child recognize his parents?

To unveil all this, see the film “Ziyarat” the best part of which is, that all its cast and crew of the film is Kashmiri, whether it is the director, producer, music director or the actors.

From the banner of JSWM, this film is produced and directed and written by Suresh K. Goswami. The songs of the movie are written by Saghar Sehrai and the music in them is given by Bhajan Sopori. The actors in the movie are Irfan Choudhary, Poonam Sudan, Vipin Kumar Goswami and Sagar Sehrai.

This film was appreciated in Los Angeles Film Festival and Fame Walk International Film Festival. Also, this film was shown in Dhaka Film Festival.


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