Knowledge at your doorstep(ज्ञान आपके द्वार)  Webinar on Success Mantras by an iconic orator PM Bharadwaj


INVC NEWS       

New Delhi,
Kota GyanDwar Education Society and ISTD Kota Chapter is organizing a webinar on 15 May 2020 at 5.30 pm over the zoom platform. The theme will be “*Success Mantras” by National Motivational Guru PM Bhardwaj.

Anita Chauhan, founder of Kota GyanDwar Education Society (KGES) told that  KGES is committed to continue the campaign to bring knowledge to your door steps even during lockdown due to corona crises  through webinar. With and post COVID 19 how success can be achieved without losing your confidence will be the major theme ( Success Mantras). PM Bharadwaj, Founder of  Bhardwaj Foundation  and former CMD of 4 PSUs from Jaipur Will be the keynote speaker. Mr. Bhardwaj has multidisciplinary expertise in solving the socio, econo, techno and professional problems through teachings from his professional and religious experience. He is proficient in teaching management principles with religion and Vedic concepts.

Dr. D P Sharma, the Ambassador of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan  of the Hon’ble Prime Minister  and International IT Consultant of the United Nations International Labor Organization will express his views in the webinar and shall be summing up.

The moderator of the webinar will be Prof. PK Sharma and host will be Anita Chauhan. Webinars are kept free (No Registration Fee). Common people can benefit by attending it.

 _ In this international webinar, the participants will be from and abroad and major cities of India like Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Surat, Chittorgarh, Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Dehradun, Lucknow, and Allahabad etc_

To attend a webinar, participants must download and install the Zoom application on their mobile or computer, go to the join meeting and enter the meeting ID 739 9513 3306 and password 8RAaD.


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