Preventive and treatment measures to tackle the epidemic of coronavirus


New Delhi,

The recent outbreak of deadly Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has created havoc across the world. After China, the death toll is on a continuous rise in several other countries. Considering the current situation, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the pandemic as a global health emergency. The health bodies of several countries have released an advisory to contain the spread of the infection. Currently, no vaccines are available to tackle the infection. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) released two advisories about the preventive and treatment measures to tackle the epidemic of coronavirus.

AYUSH Ministry Released Advisory For Homeopathy Treatment

As per the advisory released by AYUSH, using homeopathy drug Arsenicum album 30C is the best prevention for tackling infection. Arsenicum album 30C is a prophylactic medicine that can be taken for the prevention of coronavirus infections. The researchers have recommended one dose of Arsenicum album 30C in an empty stomach for three days regularly. As per the advisory, it has also been instructed to repeat the dose after one month following the same schedule if the infection prevails in society.

Head of Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) informed that Arsenicum album 30C is a solution prepared by dilution of aqueous arsenic trioxide which is in use for respiratory disorders from several decades with a safety record. Apart from that, the solution worked effectively during the swine flu epidemic in 2009. This diluted solution successfully had reduced the common symptoms of the epidemic like cough, fever, runny nose, headache, and sore throat. This homeopathic medicine also effectively reduced other flu-like symptoms. Such instances led to possible interventions against novel coronavirus.

Homeopathic practitioners suggest Arsenicum album 30C doesn’t offer 100% protection against the virus. Along with medicine, people should follow certain preventive measures to stay protected from air-borne diseases.

Preventive Measures To Stay Away From Coronavirus

  • Keep Hands Clean: One should properly wash their hands with soap and clean water for 20 seconds. Such action should be practiced after going to the bathroom, blowing the nose, sneezing or coughing. If in case, soap and water are not available you can use a sanitizer, but make sure to use the hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol concentration.
  • Keep Away Your Unclean Hands:Wash your hands if those are visibly dirty. Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands.
  • Don’t Shake Hands Or Get Closer Physically:Maintain a distance from unknown persons and avoid physical touch. Don’t even shake hands with infected persons.
  • Stay Isolated:If you are sick with symptoms of flu, stay isolated from others. Even keep your children isolated if they are sick.
  • Dispose Of Cough Safely:Throw away cough and cover it. Even the tissue you use while sneezing must be disposed of safely.
  • Personal Hygiene: Maintaining personal hygiene is the best precaution to stay protected from the infection.
  • Use Mask: Using the N95 mask is recommended while traveling or working in public places to safeguard self from disease transmission.
  • Seek Medical Assistance: If you suffer from any of the symptoms, then immediately contact a health professional and seek medical assistance. Following government advisories, several hospitals have set up special isolated wards for coronavirus.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

The symptoms coronavirus are similar to any other common flu for which it becomes challenging to distinguish the patients. The infection spreads through respiratory fluids and affects different vital organs.

  • The common symptoms of coronavirus include fever, shortness of breath, cough, and other breathing disorders.
  • In severe cases, it can cause pneumonia and acute respiratory syndrome.
  • In serious cases, the infection can lead to kidney failure and also can prove fatal.

Follow Preventive Measures & Seek Medical Assistance

AYUSH Ministry released the advisory to use Arsenicum album 30C for treating coronavirus but, homeopathy practitioners suggest seeking medical assistance along with using the homeopathy medicine. However, there is no scientific evidence that confirms the alternative remedies for preventing or curing the disease or mitigating the symptoms.


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