This day would be written in golden letters in the history of the country



Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, launched the Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana (PMJAY) aims to provide health coverage of upto Rs 5 lakh per family annually, benefitting 15.50 lakh poor and needy families in the State. He also announced to further expand the scope of the scheme to accommodate additional category of beneficiaries under the scheme including those who were jailed during emergency period and who played an active role during Hindi Andolan.

Mr Manohar Lal was addressing a well attended state level function organized at Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College at Karnal today. Governor Mr. Satyadev Narain Arya and Health Minister, Mr Anil Vij were also present on this occasion.

Earlier, the Chief Minister dedicated Health and Wellness Centre at Primary Health Centre (PHC) Salwan and also inaugurated the auditorium of Kalpana Chawla Government Medical College, Karnal.

The Chief Minister said that, initially the beneficiaries of eight categories included in the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC)-2011 data would be benefitted under the scheme. As the economic condition of the people might have changed during these years and they could not become the part of SECC-2011 data, more categories would be added to cover maximum beneficiaries under the scheme, which included about 5.5 lakh workers who are registered under the Haryana Labour Welfare Board, people belonging to Below Poverty Line (BPL), those who were jailed during emergency period between the year 1975-1977 to whom the State Government is already giving monthly pension of Rs 10,000, people who played an active role during Hindi Andolan and those who served in the Indian National Army (INA) formed by Subhash Chandra Bose during the second world war.

Meanwhile,  the live screening of national launch of Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana (PMJAY) by Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi at Ranchi, Jharkhand was also telecasted in the College Auditorium.

While expressing his gratitude to the Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi for dedicating the Ayushman Bharat – Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana (PMJAY) to the people of the country, Mr Manohar Lal said that during the four years, Mr Modi has launched several schemes and programmes focusing on the development of the country and society and to ensure providing all basis facilities to especially those standing last in the queue. As many as 10 crore families in the country would be benefited under the scheme, he said.

He said that in the recent times the medical treatment especially in the private healthcare institutes has become more costly. In cases of severe diseases, the people are forced either to sell their belongings or get heavy loans for treatment. The scheme would provide respite to such people as each eligible family would get annual cover of upto Rs 5 lakh irrespective of number of people in a family, he added.

He said that Golden e-Cards would be provided to the beneficiaries of the scheme. The entire SECC data of families is available on-line and till the time they get these cards, Iris recognition and biometric identification of beneficiaries would be conducted for extending benefit under the scheme, he said adding that 230 hospitals including 72 government and 158 private hospitals have been empanelled in the state. Apart from this, 184 Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Mitra has been recruited in these empanelled hospitals to assist those visiting the hospitals for treatment.

The Chief Minister said that Health and Wellness Centres are being opened in the PHCs to make aware the people about various diseases and what preventive measures should be taken and other issues like cleanliness and hygiene. He said that 12 Wellness Centres has so far been opened in the State and this number would be increased to 30 by November 1, 2018. A target has been set to open 300 wellness centres in the State, he added.

On this occasion, the Chief Minister presented a cheque of Rs 21,000 to Mrs Mausami Devi. Mrs Mousami, a resident of Karnal’s village Ghisarpuri, became the first beneficiary under the Ayushman Bharat Yojna. Mousami gave birth to Karishma on August 17 at the Kalpana Chawla Government Hospital through cesarean section.

He also presented golden e-card to the five beneficiaries of the scheme. They included Raj Lakshmi, Dimpal, Sandeep Kumar , Meena Devi and Kela Devi.

Speaking on this occasion, Health Minister, Mr Anil Vij said that this day would be written in golden letters in the history of the country. He said that with the launch of the scheme today, about 50 crore poor and needy people in the country would be benefitted. As many as 10,000 hospitals have been empanelled throughout the country for this purpose. He said that under this scheme, the beneficiary would have the liberty to get treatment facility in any empanelled government or private hospital in the State or in the country.

He said that patients visiting the hospital for treatment would have to show the e-card to the Ayusham Mitra at the Counter of Ayushman Bharat set up at the entry gate of hospital. He said that beneficiary would not have to pay anything in lieu of the treatment. The State Government has set up a trust in which 60 per cent would be contributed by the Centre and 40 per cent by the State. The Hospital treating the patient would generate computerized bill, the payment of which would be made by the trust, he added.


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