Can nature and nurture go hand in hand, GAIL India finds out



New Delhi,
India is at the top of the list of nations expected to be worst hit by the adverse effects of human induced climate change. The potential adverse implications of unabated GHG emissions have placed the country in a tough spot, forcing it to look for ways to come up with measures to cut the nation’s high carbon footprint while not jeopardizing its economic growth prospects.

GAIL India Limited, committed to restoring the environmental balance in the country, announces the launch of a new and innovative campaign to address the issue of increasing carbon footprint in the country. Under the Hawa Badlo initiative, the new campaign ‘Mom’s Healthy Tiffin’ is a social experiment which taps into the special bond of Mothers which they share with their child’s tiffin while preparing it with utmost love and care.

The experiment was conducted to understand what mothers perceive to be ‘safe’ for their child’s consumption and the measures they take to prepare a healthy and hearty meal for their school going kids. Furthermore, the experiment throws light on the daily unhealthy habits of the mothers that harm the environment and will eventually affect them and their family’s health.

Under this social experiment mothers are invited and gathered in a school activity room on Mother’s Day and asked to prepare a scrumptious nutritious tiffin meal for their kids and list down all the ingredients they used to prepare it. Once the mothers finish listing down the ingredients their children highlights how the ingredients they use to prepare the meal has accumulated carbon on it while making its way through our polluted environment from the farm to their house. Children explain to their mothers how our daily behaviour and choices have a hazardous impact on the environment. The kids encourage their mothers to take care of their environment by adopting environment friendly practises such as consider healthier alternatives for their daily commute by walking or cycling short distances or opting for car-pools or using CNG in vehicles and switching to PNG for cooking.

Commenting on the launch of Mom’s Healthy Tiffin, Rupesh Kumar – Chief Manager, Corporate Communications, GAIL India Ltd. said – “We have always seized any available opportunity to drive home our point on Environmental Pollution and its hazardous impact on the future generation. Mother’s Day presents itself as another such great opportunity, where we recognise that the Mothers of this generation need to be educated about the ills of our regular lifestyle habits, and how small changes can help make their kids’ future healthier.”

Commenting on the thought behind the video and teaser Protiqe Mojoomdar – Producer & Creative Director of the campaign, Handyyman said – “I think Hawa Badlo has emerged as the go-to platform if you need to know the latest and useful insights on how to curb Pollution and shift to a healthier lifestyle. In the string of initiatives this year, this is another pearl of wisdom. And who else but the Mother to realise and inculcate the right habit at home? The Social Experiment method was adopted to make it a revelation of an important subject for Moms playfully, and the best way to learn is from their own children.”

Hawa Badlo is an initiative created with twin objectives of Social Awareness against Air Pollution & Natural Gas Advocacy. GAIL (India) Limited supports this brand in order to establish its thought leadership in the movement against Air Pollution considering it is in the business of Transmission, distribution & Marketing of Natural Gas (CNG for vehicles & PNG at homes) which is the cleanest fossil fuel & environmentally benign. The HawaBadlo Brand has garnered excellent traction on Digital platform reaching out to more than 60 million netizens till date.


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