Meet Mattheiu Ricard, Buddhist Monk and Yuval Noah Harari, Author of Sapiens and Homo Deus



New Delhi,
The 17th edition of India Today Conclave will not only bring together the most powerful leaders from across the world on the biggest ideas platform, but also some out of the ordinary personalities who measure success with a new set of metrics. This year, the Conclave will set a new gold standard in summits by presenting a Buddhist Monk, Mattheiu Ricard and visionary historian, Yuval Noah Harari as speakers.

While the top global leaders will mull over causes and effects, opportunities and threats, and triumphs and tribulations faced by the world, these gifted men will enlighten the audience about the concepts of free will, consciousness and definition of intelligence.

Unique personalities like Matthieu Ricard, who chose a way to success through altruism and Yuval Noah Harari, an author and a thought leader, who attracted numerous celebrity fans such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama, will speak at the event.

Talking about their presence, Vice Chairperson, India Today Group and Conclave Director, Ms. Kalli Purie, said, “It is so exciting to have these two speakers at the Conclave. Matthieu Ricard’s work goes back to the basic primal human need to be happy and Yuval’s work is a preview of tomorrow which questions the very existence of humankind in the future. And that’s so trademark Conclave to bring together speakers from opposite ends of the spectrum.”

India Today Conclave is a unique ideas platform where the sharpest minds from across the globe converge to discuss and deliberate issues and opportunities. This will be the second year that the India Today Group’s signature event will be held in Mumbai on 9th and 10th March 2018. The Great Churn, the theme of the India Today Conclave this year, features a path to find your way as the world tilts on its axis.


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