Q & A With Dr. Mahjabin Banu, President, Society for Policy Research and Empowerment


The Society for Policy Research and Empowerment (SPRE), New Delhi is organizing a two-day international conference on Emerging Discourse in Social Sciences and Management on January 19-20, 2018 at the India International Centre, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi. We interviewed Dr. Mahjabin Banu, President, SPRE to know more about this international conference and its deliberations.

1. Please tell us something about your international conference

Dr. Mahjabin Banu : We are organizing this international conference on the broad theme of social sciences and management. It includes the various technical sessions in which academics and scholars will present their research work in various disciplines of knowledge. Moreover, in the inaugural session, we have a special address on key global issues of scholarly interest.In fact, as the socio-economic landscape emerges, it offers a plethora of opportunities for development and empowerment. So, we intend to have deliberations and dialogue on such multi-disciplinary issues.

We invite academics, research scholars and professionals from industry chambers, intergovernmental organizations and the civil society to participate in the deliberations and engage in a constructive dialogue on such an important theme.

2. How do you think the conference deliberations would contribute to the discourse in the field of social sciences and management?

Dr. Mahjabin Banu : Through this international conference, we are offering a platform for scholarly deliberations, and we hope this dialogue among scholars would contribute to a holistic development of the society and shall provide pragmatic outcomes for public policy. Moreover, the conference will contribute to analysis on contemporary issues in public policy, economic growth, managerial perspectives, human development and social thoughts.

Also, I would like to mention that our technical sessions are on the themes of Geo-economics and International Trade, History of India, International Relations and Area Studies, Cultural Psychology and Social Systems, and Management and Inter-Disciplinary Studies. Deliberations on such multi-disciplinary themes would help in providing a meaningful direction to the body of knowledge as well as the discourse in these branches of knowledge.

3. Can you please tell us something about SPRE and its mandate?

Dr. Mahjabin Banu : The Society for Policy Research and Empowerment (SPRE), New Delhi, India is a non-profit think tank registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860. It aims to undertake policy research, development activities, social campaigns, and advocacy on policy research and development issues. Within its broad-spectrum of work, SPRE intends to organise conferences, seminars, panel discussion etc.; conduct research, publish and disseminate it; organise capacity building programs for socio-economic empowerment; and, run campaigns for social causes for the benefit of the society and the country. 

4. What are the future plans of SPRE? What type of events or conferences you intend to organise in the future?

Dr. Mahjabin Banu : As our aim is to undertake policy research, development activities, social campaigns, and advocacy on policy research and developmental issues. In this year, we intend to organize seminars and workshops to promote public policy initiatives on contemporary issues like Make in India, Skill India, and Smart Cities, among others. We have also instituted a SPRE Social Excellence Award to recognize industry professionals who are creating some social impact in their own way. 

5. Is SPRE open to collaborations with other think tanks, institutions or universities?

Dr. Mahjabin Banu :  Of course, we do. We intend to collaborate with universities, institutions and also inter-governmental organisations. We will engage with the youths to promote the cause of sustainable development and social well-being. Also, we would like to invite professionals from the industry and those from other institutional bodies to partner with us and engage in a constructive dialogue and work toward the benefit of the society and the country. Some of the broad thematic areas that we would like to collaborate for seminars and research include international trade and development; migration and labour issues; technology and innovation for development; and, public policy. We can collaborate in jointly organising conferences, running campaigns for social empowerment or engaging in partnership for research and advocacy.

About the Dr Mahjabin Banu
Dr Mahjabin Banu is President, Society for Policy Research and Empowerment (SPRE), New Delhi. She has also worked in the India Centre for Migration (ICM) under the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (now a part of MEA). Prior to this, she also held teaching position as Assistant Professor and has also worked in corporate in the field of human resources. She holds Ph.D. in the area of international migration.

She also possesses post-graduate qualification in Business Management and a Masters degree in Labour Management. She has qualified UGC-NET in Management. Her research and consulting interests include international migration, ILO conventions and skill development. Dr. Banu has also presented papers in International conferences, published papers in refereed journals, chapter in edited books and article in magazine related to migration issues.

Contact details
Mobile -:  +91-9899564059 , email – : spre.india@gmail.com , website www.spre.in


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