A firm foundation of willingness to learn and humility is imperative for the ready acquisition of effective knowledge and skills. : Pranab Mukerjee


Ratnam Chandra,,



The Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukerjee said that three aspects of human element which has guided human progress are leadership, vision and expertise. The Finance Minister said that all momentous changes in the world have come from exercise of decisive leadership by individuals who have either seized opportunity to usher in change, or have enjoyed broad based mandate to undertake change. Shri Mukherjee specifically quoted the case of Late Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi in this regard, who enjoyed a massive mandate to prepare the country for the 21st Century and his leadership and vision ushered India as an IT powerhouse within a span of a decade.

The Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee was addressing the 64th Batch of Indian Revenue Service (IRS) Probationers here today.  The Finance Minister said that creativity is one attribute that enhances the quality of leadership. Shri Mukherjee said that creative solutions enhance productivity and hence our production frontiers. He asked the IRS probationers to remain consistently creative through out their life in public service. He said that a firm foundation of willingness to learn and humility is imperative for the ready acquisition of effective knowledge and skills. He said that in all transactions with others, humility must be emphasized and traded in return for their strengths and the learning experiences.

The Union Finance Minister Shri Mukherjee asked the IRS Probationers to steer the process of change that we seek for realizing our vision and goals in the near future. He asked them to take the initiative and make their best contribution to the largest  efforts in nation building.  He asked the IRS Probationers to constantly adapt themselves to ongoing changes and update, improve and innovate our systems and practices as well as adopt the best from the rest of the world.  He told the probationers that success in their careers will depend on how successfully and productively they are able to manage the public-private interface.


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