New Berlin Airport to Connect High-Tech Eastern Germany with Asia




Berlin’s new airport, opening in June 2012, comes at a time when the capital region is facing record numbers of business travelers and tourists. And with Germany Trade & Invest witnessing increased investor interest from Asia – especially in Germany’s high-tech regions of  Eastern Germany – the airport will provide increased capacity and decreased travel times to Asian destinations, Said Michael Pfeiffer, Chief Executive Trade & Invest, on a recent visit to India.

Berlin Brandenburg International Airport (BBI) is Europe’s largest new airport under construction and will have a capacity of 27 million passengers when it opens, including an expansion option to handle 45 million passengers annually. Travel times will be up to one hour shorter to Asian destinations compared with other European hubs.

Twenty years after German reunification, Eastern Germany has become a cluster for a number of future industries, including the renewable energy, semiconductor, and automotive industries.

“Berlin Brandenburg International Airport strengthens Eastern Germany’s attractiveness as a high -tech business location.  The airport further improves the already excellent infrastructure in the region and adds a new modern gateway to the entire world.” Added Pfeiffer.

Indian FDI stocks in Germany have nearly quadrupled since 2005. Almost half of all new investment projects are in the information technology (IT) industry, including software and communications. Germany is Europe’s largest market for high-tech goods and services.



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