Bed Rest after embryo transfer during IVF cycle has negative outcome


– Dr. Sagarika Aggarwal –

Dr.-Sagarika-AggarwalOne of the most common myths among couples undergoing IVF treatment is the fear of embryo falling off the track after being implanted in the uterus, if women do not undergo bed rest.  It is hence mandate to correct and address the couples with prior counselling sessions as the beliefs and myths that people have related to procedure of IVF and after effects are a misconception. One needs to draw back from such advises coming from sources that themselves are unaware and follow what their doctors prescribe.

“The couples need to be educated and know that the human body is made with great accuracy and sense, the embryo transferred in the uterus after IVF embryo transfer (ET) procedure can not come out, be it naturally pregnancy or through IVF treatment. But it should be mandate for a woman undergoing treatment to be known to keep herself healthy and happy during the complete course and avoid stress as much as possible as these are the only causes known to create no implantation during the procedure. The myth of taking rest after embryo transplantation should now be well known and educated prior to the procedure to couples. A woman can easily walk out of the clinic immediately after having embryo transfer in her uterus without facing any difficulties.”

The process of treatment takes over 2 weeks to confirm pregnancy, which itself is a dreadful phase for any couple. And in such condition if a woman is forced constantly on bed rest, it will only result in depression, which will only worsen the outcomes. Our focus is always to keep the whole process and conditions of the treatment procedure apparent with the patients undergoing treatment.

“An embryo is microscopic with almost no mass and to move or displace any matter scientifically, force would be required as per Force X mass = Displacement. Subsequently, without mass, infinite amount of force would be required to move or dislodge and embryo. Moreover the endometrium lining is very uneven that will not allow the embryo to let loose. Hence, daily routine activities can be performed with avoidance to only lifting of heavy objects or vigorous exercise.”

When a woman is standing, her uterus is in a horizontal position and considers that may be better for successful implantation. Walking also helps in reducing stress after the ET procedure which indeed plays a vital role in inconsistent birth rates. Encouraging the patients to resume their daily routine activities soon after the ET helps them to cope up with the treatment anxiety. This also helps in increasing skills to maintain relaxation for obtaining optimal birth results. It is advised for the would-be mothers undergoing IVF cycles to stay away from stress & anxiety.


Dr.-Sagarika-Aggarwal-IVF-2About the Author

Dr. Sagarika Aggarwal

Author and  IVF expert

Dr. Sagarika Aggarwal, IVF expert, Indira IVF Hospital, New Delhi.

Disclaimer : The views expressed by the author in this feature are entirely her own and do not necessarily reflect the views of INVC NEWS.


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