Don’t just ‘react’ either ‘Act’ or ‘Quit’, Jain tells Central Ministers




Satya Pal Jain, Ex City MP and National Incharge of the Legal & Legislative Cell of the BJP has asked the Union Urban Development Minister and Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister to “act” and not just “react” on the working and the short comings in the working of the Chandigarh Housing Board and the Chandigarh Administration.

Commenting on the “revealing” statements of the two ministers in a function in Chandigarh yesterday that the Chandigarh Housing Board has become a “Property Dealer” which people of UT know for the years together, Mr. Jain said that the ministers should have also taken the public into confidence as to what they and their Central Government is doing to convert back a “Property Dealer” Government institution into a “Public Dealing” institution.

Mr. Jain said that the ministers should not forget that the entire Chandigarh Administration including the Chandigarh Housing Board are directly under the control of their own Central Government and as such they cannot escape their responsibility of setting the things right by just criticizing their functioning. “The Ministers also owe an explanation to the public as to why they could not take the remedial measures during the last 6 years and atleast what steps they contemplate to take now to set the things right” he said.  He said that statement by both the ministers make it doubtful for the public to know as to whether they are ministers or leaders of the opposition parties.

Mr. Jain said the people of Chandigarh have been fed by such type of negative statements being repeatedly and consistently issued by the Central Minister during the last 6 years criticizing everybody right from the Governor, the DC, IG the CHB etc. etc. without telling as to why they and their own Central Government has failed to check the malpractices?

Mr. Jain said that the statements by the Central Ministers show that the Central Congress Govt. led by Dr. Manmohan Singh including Home Minister has failed to provide a “clean honest and public friendly administration” to the city residents.  It would be better if the minister ask the PM and the Union Home Minister to “act” and if they do not, then better to “quit” rather then becoming a silent spectator to the “corrupt, inefficient and anti-people” administration of UT Chandigarh

Satya Pal Jain former MP and Harmohan Dhawan , at BJP press conference at Chandigarh Press Club in Sector 27, Chandigarh on Tuesday. Tribune photo:Parvesh Chauhan
Satya Pal Jain former MP and Harmohan Dhawan , at BJP press conference at Chandigarh Press Club in Sector 27, Chandigarh on Tuesday. Tribune photo:Parvesh Chauhan


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