Onion Prices Start Moderating; Prices Likely to Fall Further with More Arrivals from Nasik and Alwar




NAFED has informed that the wholesale prices of onion in Azadpur mandi coming from mandis in Nasik (Lasalgaon, Pimpalgaon and Manmad mandis ) are ruling between Rs.1750-2250 per qtl with modal rate of Rs.2000 per qtl ( new crop) and Rs.2500 – 3000 per qtl. with modal rate of Rs.2750 per qtl. (old crop) out of total arrivals of 800 and 300 qtl, respectively, showing moderation in prices.

The ruling price of Rajsthan onion is between 1500-2200 per qtl with modal rate 1850 per qtl. with total arrivals of 25000 qtl. The arrivals of onion from Rajsthan has increased in Azadpur mandi.

It is reported that the weather has started clearing at Nasik and Alwar areas since yesterday, which may lead to in the increase the arrivals of good quality onion in Azadpur mandi from the next week onwards.

Since 16.11.2010, NAFED and NCCF are selling onion in retail at the rate of Rs.25.00 per kg. through its outlets in Delhi. NAFED has also imposed an MEP of $ 525 per ton and this has brought down the export of onion, thereby adding to the domestic availability of the commodity.

NAFED is monitoring the arrivals and prices of onion on a regular basis.


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