CII congratulates Donald J Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America on his momentous victory


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The US-India relationship has come a long way since President George W. Bush, initiated the US-India civil nuclear agreement in 2005 – this landmark agreement helped place our two countries on the path of closer geo-strategic and economic collaboration and was hugely significant in cementing the ties of friendship and partnership.The bipartisan support India enjoys in the United States is a significant and positive contributing factor which will continue to propel the relationship.CII looks forward to working with President Trump and his administration on the critical issues that impact the US-India trade and investment partnership. We hope that challenges relating to mobility of skilled labor, market access for pharmaceutical products from India, and for financial services institutions and SMEs will be addressed.  It would also be important for critical dialogues such as the US-India Strategic & Commercial dialogue, CEO Forum, Trade policy forum etc to continue charting pathways to augment our partnership.

Dr Naushad Forbes, President, CII, said, “Our primary focus areas with the United States have been standards, manufacturing competitiveness, defense collaboration and mobility of high skilled labor. We look forward to working with the Trump administration to further cement this critical partnership.”


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