City Beautiful’s Dream- Keep Me Clean , Drive Welcomed by the Sukhna


Sister Sarika, Project CoordinatorINVC NEWS

Spreading awareness for city’s cleanliness was never so exciting as it became today at the Sukhna Lake where the Sector 51 branch of the Brahmakumaris, Observing their cleanliness drive, City Beautiful’s Dream, “Keep Me Clean”, involved the city folk in an incredible awareness program . An open-hand symbol, requesting the city to keep it clean was filled with colorful messages with ideas to keep it litter-free in an short while after the onset of the event. Hundreds of people participated in this lively event wherein mind’s cleanliness was also referred to as equal, or rather more important than outer cleanliness.

Sister Sarika, Project Coordinator, told that this drive was just to create an awarenessSister Sarika Centre-in-Charge amongst the general public that cleanliness is not merely the task of the government, rather each individual is solely responsible for maintaining the city’s beauty. Even if one single person takes an initiative to keep the city clean just by keeping his vicinity’s cleanliness, can there be a marked change. “Ek Ke Karne se nahi hoga par ek ek ke karne se hoga”; said Sister Sarika Centre-in-Charge and her vibrant team. Such enthusiasm and Zeal was witnessed in this spiritual group that several people made promises to maintain the beauty of the City Beautiful.

The entire city has been encouraged and is spell bound by this campaign; more so by the innovative manner in which sister Sarika and her group has made an otherwise menial job, a fun-filled experience.


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