Mid-Day Meal Scheme: Annual Work Plans for 27 States/UTs Approved




The annual work plans of the mid-day meal scheme for 27 States/UTs have been approved by the Programme Approval Board (PAB) headed by the Secretary, School Education and Literacy. During these meetings, the performance of the States/UTs during the financial year 2009-10 was reviewed in-depth. Critical issues were brought to the notice of States/UTs for necessary corrective actions to further improve the quality of implementation. During the first month of the financial year 2010 i.e. April 2010, Rs.2267.06 crore has been released to States/UTs. This amounts to 24 per cent of the total Budget Estimates of Rs.9440 crore for 2010-11.

On 5th March 2010, 5 lakh MT of food grains (wheat/rice) for the 1st Quarter (April-June, 2010) and 8.28 lakh MTs for 2nd Quarter (July-September, 2010) was allocated. On the intervention of the Human Resource Development Ministry, the Food Corporation of India on 12.04.2010 has instructed its regional offices to release the food grains for the first quarter. The ministry has, on its part also written to all states and Union Territories, advising them to lift food grains from the FCI. Ministry of Food & Public Distribution has been requested to continue to release food grains for Mid-Day-Meal scheme on post payment basis as has been the practice since the inception of the scheme.



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