Attitude – An Effective Tool


Adverse Impact Of Advancing Technology On Society, artical, Article of Lt Col Atul Tyagi retd, Decisions About the Use of Technology, Environmental Issues in technology,– Lt Col Atul Tyagi retd –

Introduction: Ultimately it is the state of happiness which is aspired for. The state of happiness is a feeling which is directly related to the state of thinking. The state of thinking regulates tendency which responds to various situations. It is pre disposition to feel, think, say or act in certain way towards any particular situation & incident.

It is seen that most of the time we tend to live either in present or past. We weave the thoughts in a manner which trouble us for linking with past situations or expected future outcomes. Though we live in present, fearing the past or future with the set of thoughts & beliefs of present, in itself is contradictory & incongruent.

Perspective: One must prepare to live in Now. The way of thinking & manner of accepting the outcome has a lot to do with the tendency of most of us to blame other persons, situations & circumstances etc for the results or consequences in life. Life is full of impediments; losing the near & dear, financial hiccups etc are the obstacles which can create disharmony in normal cycle of life. These obstacles are direct product of the manners in which we are used to deal with situations which we do not intend to accept as pleasant ones. Be it anger, stress, worries; all are the states of mind which are our own creation due to a typical way of thinking. It is out thoughts which weave the reality. It is the inner voice which is designed to accept a situation coolly as it is & generate the gentle outcome. It can also lead the situation applying tools to aggravate to woeful extent.

What is utmost important is that one should be able to make out whether his tendencies manifest   positive or negative orientations.

Negative Orientation: The one who carries negative orientation surrenders by accepting an outcome which will not be conducive & healthy. People falling in this category are referred to as pessimists. Pessimists have a characteristic to project themselves as victims based on complex fantasies & fears related to wishful future events which may not take place ever. Ex: A student who decides that he should not appear in the exam as he will not be able to make it. For a pessimist, life is full of miseries, pain & anguish.  Manifesting   state of happiness is a taboo for this class of people.

Positive Orientation: On the other hand, positive framed people miss no opportunity in seeing silver lining amidst adversities. They deem challenges as opportunities & start tackling the same with best possible foot ahead where majority of the people withdraw seeing challenge as adverse condition. With positive tendencies around, one barely miss carving out the ways out of complex battlegrounds of life. Ex: A student who is not prepared but ready to take a chance by appearing in the exam. More often than not, the one who decides to appear clears it also. An optimist knows that there are conditions beyond control at times. He explores avenues out of even adverse situations.

Both the approaches are bound to present different sets of outcomes.

Benefits of Positive: Positive way of thinking signifies growth, expansion, multiplication, enhancement, happiness & success. Positive frame of mind looks forward for the growth & augmentation. He does synergy in thinking & planning with course of action duly backed by conviction & patience. It is true that the people are suffering not due to what happens but more due to thinking as to what may happen & deem small occurrences as catastrophic. God helps those who help themselves means who carry positive attitude as they are in enviable position to concentrate & focus on objectives & not be victims of limited & encircled beliefs. Positive attitude is a contagious phenomenon.  It is a tendency to think in a way which awakens new vistas &hopes & raised aspirations in life making it interesting & worth living.

Negativity A Barrier: Negativity is a barrier or obstacle whereas positivity is a catalyst in overcoming situations. A human being carries both positive & negative traits; which weigh more matters in defining him as a person.

The little difference in thinking pattern creates big difference in outcome in life.

One has to take stock of his thoughts. Thoughts if evaluated remain subservient to the one who observes. Which sets of thoughts make one restless & anxious?

How to Change:  Change of thoughts is easier said than done. It is difficult course where self realization is inherent in the evaluation process.  Change in thought pattern towards positive orientation is feasible by resorting to self realization & incessant practice. Few steps:

a.       Acknowledge Gratitude- With that, one mellows down & acknowledge the presence of others & connectivity with all including surroundings.

b.      Meditate: Nothing more can be eulogized about meditation except that the process of meditation which is the source of recognition

c.       Be Conscious of Surroundings: One needs to be careful in judging & concluding any issue.

d.      Build Resilience: Resilience plays an important in developing patience & positive statement.  As it is, the respect for others is a must be attribute as that recognizes the existence of all.

e.      Affirmation: An affirmation is cost free but an effective way of keeping a thought alive. We think a lot but act little. An affirmation

The very fact that every morning is a new beginning for all of us when we come out of almost dead state is confirmation that the life means to move on positive & optimistic note. Every morning unfolds in the same manner but for us, it may be way different every time as it depends upon us as to how we unfold ourselves. Attitude determines our response or reaction. If you truly want to make yourself a much more positive and stress-free person, then decide that you will do your best to deal with any situation that comes along. One does not have to stop like stale water; rather continue moving on. “When we are ready to make positive changes in our lives, we attract whatever we need to help us.”Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” – Colin Powell.

Article-of-Lt-Col-Atul-Tyagi-retd-Lt-Col-Atul-Tyagi-retd,Lt Col Atul Tyagi retd
Certified Trainer

M.Sc, Masters in Management,LL.B
A retired Army officer possessing 26 years of rich & insightful experience in Indian Army, education & training management & Corporate. Presently working in Bhushan Steel limited, Orissa as General Manager-Administration. The officer is prolific in writing on subjects like Human values,Ethics, Human development, Soft skills & HR.

Publication / Participation

Subject contribution- Humanistic Growth in Annual edition of Bharat Institute of Technology, Meerut 2009.
Participated as guest speaker & panel member in National seminar on ‘Stress management’ organized by IIMT approved by AICTE.
Participated in seminar as guest speaker on ‘CSR – periphery to core’ organized by BIT, Meerut approved by AICTE.
Subject contribution- working with values in Vision 2011 of Radha Govind Group of Institutions, Meerut
Subject contribution- CSR from Periphery to core in The Horizon- A journal of social Sciences no II/2011 Vol II ISSN-0975-5535. Jan 2011.
Subject contribution-Back to basics in ‘The Horizon’ – A journal of social Sciences no II/2011 Vol II ISSN-0975-5535.Jul 2011.
Subject contribution – Leadership in the times of complexities & chaos in The Horizon – a journal of social sciences no II / 2012 Vol II ISSN – 0975-5535, Jul 2012.
Subject contribution- CSR from Periphery to core in The Horizon- A journal of social Sciences no II/2011 Vol II ISSN-0975-5535, Jan 2011.
Corporate Social Responsibilities – Issues & Challenges in India in International Journal of Management Research & Review Vol II /Issue 9/article 19/1656 -1667 ISSN 2249-7196, Sep 2012.
Corporate Social responsibility – Essential Pre requisite in Knowledge News- International journal of Ideas Vol IISSN 2231 – 0150 dated Feb 2012.
Participated as guest speaker & panel member in National seminar on ‘Stress management’ organized by IIMT, Meerut  approved by AICTE.
Participated as speaker & panel member on business strategies in ‘Post recession Era’ in IIMT, Meerut approved by AICTE.
Participated in National seminar ‘On creating value by embarrassing change’ & covered topic of Leadership during times of complexity & chaos organized by KITE group of institutions, Meerut approved by AICTE.
Delivered expert lecture in Faculty Induction Programme at Sharda Group of Institutions on Leadership, Impact of Attitude in life & Values & Ethics In teaching & management. 11 Jul – 4 Aug 2012.

Contact – :
Lt Col Atul Tyagi retd
General Manager – Administration  & Training
Bhushan Steel Ltd , 4L, 902, AWHO, Gr NOIDA – 201310
Mob    :  9437165396, 9540652090,  e mail :


  1. Col Atul, you have characteristically made the subject concise & insight ful approach. No doubt, out of all topics, it is Attitude which is most contemporary today; though every body knows the word but very few can have the ability explain it with real sense.

  2. Attitude is one issue which can make or mar life. Author has selectively & precisely surfaced every pertinent point. A well worded, precise & meaningful article by Col Atul Tyagi. Please keep it up.


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