This election would decide the destiny of Haryana : Narendra Modi


Narendra Modi launches bjp election campaign in haryana, addresses massive election rally in karnal

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi launches BJP Election Campaign in Haryana, addresses massive election rally in Karnal.Vikram Rajput ,
Karnal ,
The Prime Minister,  Narendra Modi, today launched the BJP’s election campaign in Haryana, addressing a massive rally in Karnal. He said he was beginning his own campaign effort after celebrating the festival of Vijaya Dashmi, in the pious land of “Daanveer Karna”. He said whenever he visits Haryana, he feels he has come home, among his own folk. He said this election would decide the destiny of Haryana. He said he was sitting “next-door”, and in order for him to help serve the people better, without any barriers, it was essential for a BJP government to be formed in the state. He said he wants to fulfil his promise of repaying Haryana’s debt, which needed a BJP government.

He said if the people wanted a better life, change was necessary in Haryana. Amid vociferous chants of “Modi! Modi!” he said those who could not do anything for sixty years, were seeking an account of sixty days of his Government. He said the NDA Government had managed to convince China to open a second route to Kailash Mansarovar, which would enable the pilgrimage to be completed by road.

Declaring that telling a lie is not necessary for winning elections, he said the people of Haryana were being misled. He strongly refuted allegations that the Union Government had imposed a ban on the export of basmati rice. He said, the Haryana Government had imposed a tax of 4%, which made the rice of Haryana farmers uncompetitive in the market.

The Prime Minister highlighted the issue of falling groundwater levels, and power shortages. He questioned why the poor had not been able to get land. He said if the people wanted to be rid of such evils, then the BJP needed to be given a chance.

The Prime Minister said today there was a new respect across the world for India. This was due to the decisive mandate given to the Union Government by 125 crore Indians. He said the people of Haryana too, had voted decisively for the BJP. He said if the people wanted Haryana and India to make a name on the world stage, then a “Congress-mukt Haryana”, with a stable state government (with full majority), was necessary. He called upon people to give him a chance to develop the state by electing a BJP Government with full majority.

The Prime Minister highlighted schemes launched by the Union Government, including the Prime Minister Krishi Sinchai Yojana, and the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. He highlighted the benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana.

He said America and India would work together for developing the Cancer Research Institute in Haryana.

The Prime Minister said, the current age should be one of Hi-fi, Wi-fi and “safai” (cleanliness). He said the towns of Haryana, including Karnal, should be clean. He outlined his vision of solid waste management and waste water management in 500 towns across India, which would enable the towns to be clean, and the farmers to get water back from the towns, for irrigation. He said along with “political cleanliness”, “cleanliness of towns was necessary.

The Prime Minister highlighted the poor performance indicators of Haryana -22nd rank in education, and also poor indicators in economic growth, employment creation, poverty reduction, per capita expenditure on agriculture, health and education. He asked repeatedly – Kaun Jimmewar? – who is responsible – as he highlighted the failures of the state government.

The Prime Minister asked the people not to give another chance to those who had failed them repeatedly.



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