A young journalist killed khallikote of ganjam district in the state of odisha


Sajjad Badshah,INVC,Bhubaneswar, tv journalist Tarun Acharya killed, tv journalist Tarun Acharya, Tarun Acharya murder case, tv journalist Tarun Acharya,murder of  tv journalist,murder of  tv journalist in india, tv journalist, tv journalist killed,tv journalist Tarun Acharya ,tv journalist ,Tarun Acharya ,Tarun Acharya killed at  Khallikote ,Tarun Acharya murder caseSajjad Badshah,
A young tv journalist Tarun Acharya has been killed brutally on tuesday night at Khallikote of Ganjam district in the state of Odisha. The incidence occured at about 10 .30 pm  nearing to Khallikote police station and exice office .when the journalist was going back to his home riding his bike , assailants suspected to attacked the journalist with sharp weapons as the body found in a pool of blood with the throat of the journalists neck slit open .The Khallikote police started a man haunt to nab the culprits. journalist association condemn this incident and demanding arrest of the culprits.



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